Page 86 of Hunted Vengeance

“You got a minute?” he asks.

“C’mon in.”

Grayson slips into the office, closing the door behind him, which effectively takes my view of Colette. He makes his way over to the sofa that’s pushed against the wall and across from my desk.

“I got a problem.”

I don’t tell him that I figured as much. I wait for him to continue. He’s got things to say, and I’m here to listen. God knows he’s listened to my shit over the past few months, and the fact that he was by my side during most of it, backing me up and protecting Colette, I owe him.

“She’s got a husband.”

My eyes widen.

“A what?” I ask.

He dips his chin, his gaze finding mine and holding it. “A fucking husband.”

“I thought it was her ex-husband?” I ask, recalling the conversation that was had when her brother fucking kidnapped us.

We’ve been protecting her since. Got her in a safe house that is attached to Vaughn’s condo, where Grayson has moved in. So someone is always available and watching her. Nadine isn’t just our employee anymore. She’s now part of our family.

And she hacked the fucking program where both Colette and I were listed as hits for money. She freed me, and I know that I owe her a debt that can never be repaid, but also, what the fuck is going on?

“Well,” Grayson grinds out, “he is not. And now he’s not just looking for her. He’slookingfor her.”

I tilt my head to the side, knowing that I can’t hide my confusion at his words. “You wanna explain that shit to me?” I ask.

“He’s part of law enforcement,” Grayson murmurs. “ATF.”


I could be blown the fuck over with a feather right about now. I cannot believe the words that this man has just said to me. So I ask him, just for clarification.

“You’re telling me that this man is part of the ATF and her brother is the head of a group doing God knows what on the side? And she’s hiding from him. What the actual fuck is going on here?” I demand.

Grayson opens his mouth, but before he can get a word out, there is a knock on my office door. Our heads whip to the side, and I call out for the person on the other side to come in. I know it’s one of the guys, Lucille, Nadine, or Colette, because those are the only people who have access to this building. This place is more secure than the freaking White House.

I watch as the door opens and Theron makes his way inside. He jerks his chin toward me, then sinks down in the chair that’s in the corner of the room and props his feet on the footrest.

“Can I help you?” I ask when he doesn’t speak immediately.

“I figured this would be the best place to have this discussion, considering it involves…” He trails off before he lifts his hand and extends a couple fingers toward Grayson. “You.”

Shit. I open my mouth to ask,What now?when he continues. “You got a big fucking problem.”

“What?” Grayson asks.

“I was looking at the security footage from the construction company, and you got ATF sniffing around. Do I want to know why?”

Grayson grunts. “I know exactly why,” he says.

“Enlighten me.”

And that’s when Grayson tells Theron about Nadine and the drama surrounding her husband, not ex. There’s more to the story, I’m sure of that, but either he’s not ready to tell us, or he’s not going to unless he has to. Either way, it doesn’t matter because it is what it is, and now it’s in our laps.

“What are we going to do about this?” Theron asks. “Not like I can do anything to ATF agents, whether they’re here for personal shit or not. We’re on the up and up,” he states, then his gaze slides over to me. “For the most part.”

I snort, mainly because he’s talking about the fact that three men died in my presence. Nobody is bitching about the fact that Ravet is dead, although there are millions of rumors surrounding the fact that the secretary of state disappeared without a trace.