I killed him dead right there in his office.
The elevator car dings as the doors open. Stepping off the elevator and into the hallway feels like a dream. I move, but I’m not sure where I am or what I’m doing. Once we step into the condo, when the door closes behind me and I hear the click, that’s when everything changes.
That is the moment my body jerks and my whole world suddenly turns brighter.
Without a word, Merrick moves toward me, reaching for my cheeks. He cups them before he slams his mouth against mine. The kiss is hard—unyielding and perfect all at the same time.
He reaches down, wrapping his fingers around the backs of my thighs as he backs me up so I slam against the door. Then I feel him ripping at my clothes. I help him take everything off until I’m completely naked. Merrick’s tongue fills my mouth as he tastes me—wholly.
Chapter Thirty-Five
This isn’ta soft and sweet moment. This is purerawfucking. I’m covered in the blood of my enemies, their hair and brains, too, but I push that thought to the side. Hitching her up against the door a little more, I grunt as I strengthen my grip on her, then I align the head of my dick with her center and slam inside.
She’s not quite ready for me, so her breath hitches when I am completely buried. I don’t wait for her to become accustomed to my intrusion, either. This is ownership. This is control. And right now, this is about being alive.
We both fucking made it to the other side and are here to tell the tale.
My gaze is focused on hers. Connecting to hers as my hips move hard and fast. Colette’s head slams against the wall once, but she never breaks eye contact with me. She is fucking perfect, the balm that my tattered soul needs to survive and maybe even thrive.
I would love to think that I could hold out and fuck her this hard for hours, but I’m close to finding my release after only a few slams inside of her amazing fucking cunt. I release one of her thighs but don’t stop as I slip my fingers between us.
Pressing my thumb against her clit, I rub firm circles as I continue moving. She whimpers, her hands flying to my shoulders as her nails dig into my flesh. I welcome the sensation, the pain, and even wonder if she will draw blood.
I’m not sure I would even care if she did. At least it would be my own and not someone else’s like I’m already wearing. I keep thrusting inside of her, my hips moving hard and fast, my rhythm never yielding.
The noises Colette makes fill my ears. They’re sexy and sweet with a raw touch. I want more. I always want more from her. I’m not sure I could ever get enough. How the fuck I survived without her right here for months, I’m not sure.
“Please,” she whimpers. “Please.”
When I pinch her clit, her pussy clenches around me, her nails dig into my flesh even harder, and she comes at the same time I slam into her pussy and do the same. I come so hard that every muscle in my entire body freezes.
I can’t speak, can’t think, can’t move.
I am immobile as I stare into those green eyes of hers. I don’t know if she’s sucking my soul with her gaze, but I do know that her cunt is sucking my cock dry, and I can’t wait to do it again. And again. And again. Until the day I fucking die.
Tilting my head to the side, I shift forward and touch my mouth to hers. She whimpers again, opening her mouth as I slip my tongue inside of her and taste her. As I sweep my tongue around hers, tangling with hers, I thrust my hips again and moan as she swallows the sound.
I nibble on her bottom lip before I break the kiss but stay fully seated inside of her. I’m not ready to slide out of her warm, wet heat yet. Shifting my head backward slightly, I look into her eyes.
I lift my hand from between her legs and cup her cheek before I slide my thumb along her bottom lip, my gaze traveling and following the movement before I shift it back to meet her eyes.
“Welcome home, baby,” I rasp. “I hope I didn’t hurt you.”
I wasn’t gentle. I’m usually not that gentle, but typically, I work my way up to being rough with her instead of just fucking her into the wooden door right off the bat like I did tonight. Her eyelids lower slightly as she looks at me, her lips curving up into a lazy smile.
“You couldn’t hurt me if you tried,” she says, her voice husky and sexy as fuck.
Instead of arguing about that statement, because I’m pretty sure I could, in depth, I lean forward and touch my lips to hers again in a soft kiss. Then I release her leg and reluctantly slip out of her body to take a step backward.
Picking her up, I wordlessly carry her toward the bathroom, starting the shower water, and then, once it’s warm, only then do I place her down on the tile floor before I step in behind her.