Page 73 of Hunted Vengeance

“Things are going to be okay, Colette,” Grayson mutters.

I don’t respond to him because there is nothing to say. I’m not sure that everything will be okay when it comes to me. If Merrick doesn’t want me, I have absolutely nothing to fall back on. I’m dependent on him, dependent on him wanting to stay with me and keep me—forever. It’s what I want, too, though. I want to live my life with Merrick. No matter how that looks.

Chapter Thirty-Three


Marcelloand I take the bleeding pieces of shit by gunpoint to Adriano. He is sitting behind his desk, his face set, his eyes focused, and a smirk playing on his lips when we arrive. I watch as his gaze shifts from Ravet in front of me to connect to my own.

“That happened much faster than I had anticipated,” Adriano mutters.

His tone gives me nothing, although if I had to guess, he’s somewhat impressed by how quickly this shit went down. Marcello dips his chin but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he clears his throat and waits for Adriano to speak.

I’m not really one for rank and such. I lived a life like that with Ravet, and the minute I left, I never thought about it again. Clearly, Adriano is all about power and rank. I guess you would have to be in his position. The way I don’t give an actual fuck about either in this situation is beyond compare.

“We’re good?” I ask as I shove Ravet forward slightly, but I don’t release him.

Ravet lets out a whimper, and I have half a mind to actually shoot him again just for being a pussy. I can see now that, as a kid, this man was scary as fuck, but now that I’m an adult, he’s nothing but an overgrown fucking baby.

There is a moment of silence while Adriano sits back and just watches the scene in front of him. This is his king-on-the-throne moment. I don’t really give a shit. I’m ready to get back to Colette and get the fuck out of this state.

He’s got the politician and Ravet in the palm of his hand. I’m curious to know what he’s going to do with them, but at the same time, as long as Ravet ends up dead and he forgets that Colette exists, I don’t really give a fuck what he does.

“Not yet,” Adriano murmurs.

I shift my gaze to Marcello. His eyes slide to meet mine, and I can tell just by the way he’s looking at me that he did not expect this. Turning my attention back to Adriano, I watch as he stands before walking around his desk, then stops at the front and leans his ass against it, crossing his arms over his chest.

“You have an attachment to Ravet,” Adriano states.

“Unfortunately,” I grunt, unsure of where this is going exactly.

The last thing I want to do is stand around and have a conversation about me and Ravet, about our past. And I won’t be having that conversation, especially not with Adriano Bellucci.

“I’m not sure I want this to end between us, Steele. I think I was mistaken by writing you off so quickly. You’ve been a great asset to me.”

How did I know that this motherfucker was going to try some fly shit? The answer is easy—he’s Mafia. Give an inch and take a mile. Clearing my throat, I stare at him but refuse to respond to him immediately.

“I think I went about my political advancements all wrong,” he murmurs. “I think I need you to run surveillance and then tell me when I can slide in and take over.”

As much as I want to laugh at the absolute ridiculousness of this entire situation and question it, I don’t. Instead, I arch a brow and tilt my head to the side. It’s funny that Adriano thinks I’ll be doing a goddamn thing for him.

Because I will be goddamned.

Opening my mouth, I start to say just that when there is a noise behind me. A door opens. I reach for my gun as I turn my head and look over my shoulder, but it’s Colette. She’s standing right fucking here, with Grayson behind her, appearing to be annoyed or apologetic, I can’t quite tell.


I don’t knowwhen it became urgent to see Merrick, but before we make it back to the safe house, I know I have to see him. It’s a need and not a want at this point. Thankfully, it doesn’t take much for me to talk Grayson into taking me to him.

Honestly, I’m pretty sure that Grayson doesn’t want to miss out on a single ounce of action, so he’s more than happy to turn the car around and head straight toward the limestone home.

“This could get ugly,” Grayson says as he reaches over and pops the glove box door in front of my knees.

Silently, I watch as he reaches into the compartment and pulls out a gun. He holds the handle out for me, but I don’t take it immediately. Flicking my gaze down to it, I just stare at it for a moment, then slowly lift it to meet his.

“You’re holding this out like you want me to do something with it,” I say.

Grayson snorts before I watch him pull on a couple of things. The gun makes some loud noises, and he hands it back to me. “Shit gets real, all you do is pull the trigger. It’s ready to go.”