But then something shifts. Something changes, and Merrick jerks his chin. “I knew you would understand and see things my way,” Malcolm announces.
I don’t know what’s happening. But Merrick seems almost resigned as he takes a half step backward, at the same time, Malcolm takes a full step forward. He reaches for me, wrapping his fingers around my biceps, and tugs me toward him. I don’t make a sound, too dumbfounded to believe that this could be real life.
Turning my head, I look over my shoulder at Merrick, but he isn’t looking at me. His attention is focused on Marcello. I’m not sure what he’s expecting to happen, but I lose sight of them both because the man who bought me wraps his hands around my shoulders and spins me around to face him.
Tipping my head back, I look up into his eyes. Everything about me completely shuts down.
My mind.
My body.
My soul.
I am not a person.
I am nothing as he stares into my eyes, his gaze full of lust and desire.
It disgusts me.
Chapter Thirty-Two
I watchas Colette is pawed at by this motherfucker. I want to kill him right fucking now, but I don’t. Instead, I wait. Because I’m not a fucking idiot. I’m a hothead, but I’m not a fucking idiot. Ravet didn’t teach me much about life, but what he did educate me on was the ability to sit back and wait because the reward would be worth the pain and suffering.
The politician lifts his hand, cupping Colette’s cheek. He thinks he has a right to her because he paid Ravet some money. He has nothing. As much as I want to lift my gaze and look up to Grayson, who I know is perched on their roof, I don’t.
The last thing I want to do is draw attention to the fact that he is on the roof and ready to shoot—at least, I hope he is prepared to shoot.
The politician wraps his fingers around Colette’s jaw, digging into the flesh of her cheeks. Everything inside of me begs for me to rescue her. Seeing another man touch her, roughly touching her, has my entire body on edge.
Balling my hands into fists at my side, I watch as this motherfucker reaches for Colette’s hair. He pulls it back, causing her neck to arch backward with a snap. Marcello clears his throat, which makes everyone’s gaze flick to him—everyone’s except Colette’s, who is being forced to look at that piece of shit.
“That was not the agreement,” Marcello grinds out.
Ravet chuckles. “I don’t really give a shit what the agreement is. Mine is more important, so that is what we’re doing.”
I want to kill him—right fucking now.
But I don’t.
Instead, I wait.
When the politician forces Colette to her knees, my chest puffs up. I can’t help it. She’s my woman, and just having this man’s hands on her, let alone pushing her to the ground, is enough to send me over the edge.
I try with all that I am to keep my shit under control but completely and utterly fail. The minute that piece of shit unzips his jeans, I am fucking done. Reaching into my pocket, I find my gun, but before I can pull it out, the politician drops to the ground.
Then Ravet cries out next. The driver of the SUV opens the door, but it’s my turn to shoot. I take that fucker out with a bullet to the head. Grayson takes out the next person who tries to exit the SUV. Both the politician and Ravet are squirming on the ground, whimpering like fucking babies.
Walking forward, I reach out for Colette, who has also fallen to the ground. I scoop her up in my arms and carry her as quickly as possible back to the car. She doesn’t say anything to me. She doesn’t even speak when I set her down in the back seat.
Straightening, I take a step backward, tipping my chin slightly as I look down into her eyes. “You’re good?” I ask.
“I’m good,” she exhales.
Without another word, I slam the door closed and take a step backward. I click the key fob again, locking it. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on here, but we’ve already killed two fuckers and injured two more. I’m not taking any more goddamn chances.
Not a single fucking one.