Page 68 of Hunted Vengeance


Taking a long shower,I wash my hair with my own shampoo, condition it, and then put on clothes—my actual clothes. My favorite comfort pieces are gone, likely burned by Malcolm, but I will take what I can get to feel human again.

When I walk out of the bedroom, I am surprised to see not only Grayson and Merrick sitting at the breakfast table but also Marcello. And they aren’t staring daggers at one another. They’re smiling.

It’s the most surreal moment I think I’ve experienced in a long time. All three of their heads turn to face me as I make my way into the room. “Come on and eat, baby,” Merrick mutters.

I don’t know why, but when he says that, my attention shifts to Marcello. I gauge his reaction, but there is none. I let out a sigh of relief and make my way over to the table.

I’m not sure I should be feeling any kind of reprieve, but I am thankful that Marcello is no longer looking at me in any way other than nothingness. I am good with nothingness when it comes to my father’s men, no matter who they are.

“We’ve been discussing how to get Ravet,” Merrick murmurs.

Which means they’ve been discussing how to use me as their bait. Taking the seat next to Merrick, I reach for a bagel that’s in the middle of the table and tear off a piece before I pop it into my mouth and chew while I listen to their plans, or at least their brainstorming.

“So, what are your thoughts?” I finally ask when nobody says anything.

They exchange glances with one another, but it’s Merrick who speaks. He clears his throat, shifting uncomfortably in his seat before he lets out a heavy exhale. His gaze lifts to meet mine, and then he shakes his head once.

“We’ve been going round and round about it. We want to ensure you’re safe while luring him out enough that we can get him. So, going to a club or a bar won’t work because we’ve got those contract killers frothing at the fucking mouth.”

Nodding once, I pull off another piece and pop it in my mouth before I speak. “Why doesn’t Marcello just take me to him?” I ask.

The looks that are exchanged, I can’t describe them. They’re a mixture of shock and awe. Sinking my teeth into my bottom lip, I chance a look over to Merrick. His expression is one of worry if I had to guess. I can’t really tell. Not that he would really tell me, either, but I know he is going to do whatever it takes, even if he doesn’t want to.

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” Merrick mutters.

“Somewhere isolated, alone. Somewhere without cameras,” Grayson announces.

“I agree,” Marcello says. “And we surround him.”

Marcello grins, jerking his chin, then I watch as he takes his phone out of his pocket and sends a text. I don’t know who he’s sending it to, but within seconds, a ding alerts us to an incoming message.

“Malcolm Ravet is happy to meet tonight. There is an abandoned bar about an hour out of the city. He’s dropped me the pin to the location.”

Grayson snorts. “I’ll be going right now to check the surveillance and ensure that it’s not being watched. Forward that to me.”

I watch as Marcello’s fingers move over the screen, then he jerks his chin. “It’s on the way,” he mutters.

“While Grayson does that, you and me, we’re going for a little ride,” Merrick states as he stands to his feet. His focus is on Marcello.

I open my mouth to ask him if he’s going to be leaving me alone, but he answers that for me as he continues. “Colette will be safe here, right?”

Marcello’s gaze flicks to me, then shifts back to meet Merrick’s. “You’re going to leave her here alone?” he asks.

Merrick chuckles. “Well, that answers that,” he states.

Then he continues speaking, his words no doubt meant for me, but he doesn’t take his eyes off Marcello. “Go put some shoes on and get ready to leave.”

I do as he demands, partially because I know it’s what I need to do but also because I don’t want to be here alone. I’m scared to death that one of those hit men is going to find me, so I’m more than happy to put on my shoes, and thankfully, I have shoes now that aren’t wedding high heels.

I hurry to the bedroom to grab my sneakers and slip them on. I am so thankful to have all of my things again. Even if they’re not my favorite, they’re mine. They fit and are comfortable. That’s all that matters.

Taking a final glance at myself in the mirror, I pause at the sight of my reflection. Not because I look bad or scared, but quite the opposite. For the first time in my life, my cheeks are rosy, my eyes are dancing and almost glistening. I look happy—truly happy.

A throat clears behind me. I spin around quickly and take in the man across from me. He’s the one who makes me this happy, who makes the girl in the reflection’s eyes dance. He crosses his arms over his chest, leaning against the doorjamb as he watches me from across the room.

“Are you ready for this, Colette?” he asks.