Page 62 of Hunted Vengeance

I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, and my whole body trembles as I think about a million different things that could be going on right now. When Theron and Merrick walk back into the room, my focus is on Merrick and only Merrick. He doesn’t even look at me. I might as well actually be the wallpaper that I’m trying to blend into.

“We have a fucking problem,” Vaughn announces.

That cracking sound in the air intensifies. Biting the inside of my cheek, I watch and wait for what is going to be said next. I’m not sure what it is going to be, but clearly, this is so big that they all take a step forward to shrink their circle.

I don’t move closer, though. I stay where I am and strain to hear what is coming next. The entire room is all ears. When he begins to talk, I don’t understand everything that’s going on.

“Merrick is on the fucking dark web. A contract for a hit.”

With a frown, I take a half step forward, but he’s not finished. “So is Colette.”

“Well, at least we know who did it. What now?” Merrick asks.

He’s seemingly unfazed, but I am very much fazed because my name is on some kind of hit list.What? I start to ask just that question, but then Theron speaks, and I decide I really don’t have much of a say in anything happening here, mainly because I’m a bit confused by what’s going on in general—so I decide I’m going to just listen for a minute.

“We have a couple of options, but really only one main one, which is to not get killed. The second option is to take matters into our own hands.”

“How do we do that?” Boden asks.

“We go along with our original plan,” Theron says. “I think we should ruin them all. Financially and career-wise, of course, but only after Ravet has been delivered to Adriano.”

I’m so confused by everything. I open my mouth to ask why Malcolm is going to be taken to my father, but then I decide,again, that this isn’t the time or place to ask my questions, so I snap my lips closed.

“Colette,” Merrick calls out.

My spine straightens as his eyes lift to meet mine. “You have questions, baby?” he asks.

Instantly, my entire body melts. I could actually turn into a puddle on the floor at this very second. But I don’t. Instead, I take a hesitant step toward their circle, then another. And with all their eyes on me, I ask my questions, and they answer all of them—every single one.

Chapter Twenty-Eight


Now that Coletteis somewhat on the same page, and by that, I mean that I’ve informed her of what the fuck was really going on with her father and Ravet, she doesn’t seem surprised to know that her father essentially signed her over to the monster for a chance at becoming a big-time politician and then didn’t even get what he was going after.

Sounds about fucking right, too.

“What do you need me to do?” she asks.

I wish I could tell her that I want her to do nothing, not a goddamn thing, but I also know that this isn’t going to get solved without her. We need Ravet, and we need him not only taken care of but taken out.

“Grayson and Merrick are going to stay right here and handle this shit. The rest of us are going back to North Carolina to run the business, but at the same time, when the coast is clear and ready to go, Lucille is going to take care of the financial part.”

I wince hearing Lucille’s name, especially knowing what I asked her to do and keep secret. It’s not that I asked her to do anything terrible. It’s the keeping it a secret part, but I wasn’t ready to pull that trigger yet.

I fucking sure as shit am now.

Adriano can rot in fucking hell for all I care. I hope he does. I want to watch him burn for what he’s done to Colette.

And he will burn.

One way or another, I am going to watch Adriano Bellucci go fucking down.

“That sounds solid,” I state. “How do we lure him out of the shadows without getting taken care of in the process?” I ask.

Boden hisses and looks down at his shoes, no doubt thinking that this is going to be sketchy as fuck, and I agree. Vaughn clears his throat but stays otherwise silent, which also makes me believe that he’s not confident in this plan. I’m not either. To be honest, having a price on our heads is really changing this shit up and fast.

“I’m going to ask my father to contact him,” Colette announces.