Page 21 of Hunted Vengeance

Letting out a heavy sigh as the sweet yogurt and fruit hit my tongue. But most importantly, I relish in the quiet. I’ve always been someone who prefers not to be seen, not to be heard, not to exist.

Aside from the traumatic events of that party, just being on display that way was a hell I didn’t even know existed. All I wanted to do was be home, alone, with a book. When a throat clears, my spine straightens, and I almost jump out of my skin. Turning my head, I look over to see none other than Marcello standing at the entry to the kitchen.

“Your father would like your attendance in his office.”

He says it like there is an option when I know that there, indeed, is no such thing. Dipping my chin, I let out a sigh and place my mostly uneaten yogurt on the counter before I turn toward Marcello.


He flicks his gaze to the bowl of uneaten food, then shifts his attention back to meet mine. “Why don’t you go ahead and put that in the fridge for later.”

I do as he suggests, but the reality that I will no longer be hungry after speaking to my father is so high that I probably won’t finish it. I don’t tell him that, mainly because it doesn’t matter.

He makes his way to my father’s office, and I follow behind him, only stopping when he steps to the side of the door. When I reach for the handle, Marcello clears his throat, and I turn my head to look over at him.

I watch as he tilts his head to the side, his gaze searching mine for a moment. When he speaks, I wonder why he’s saying what he is, and at the same time, I wonder if this is a trick. I’m not buying into it, mainly because I know my fate is already sealed.

There is no getting away from what’s going to happen in a few weeks’ time.

“Just say the word, Colette, and I will help you.”

I don’t say the word. Instead, I wrap my fingers around my father’s doorknob and twist as I push the door open. I don’t expect to see the office filled with more than just him, but when I find a roomful of people, I wonder if I should have taken Marcello up on his offer right this minute.


Sitting outsideof the New York building, I look all the way up to the fourth floor, where I know her bedroom is. The limestone building is, without a doubt, one of the gaudiest on the inside. Just thinking about it makes me want to laugh. It’s so fucking ridiculous.

At the same time, I also know that it’s more secure than the White House, mainly because I’m the one who put in the security system, complete with palm print entrances to almost every room.

“So, what are your plans?” Boden asks beside me.

Sliding my gaze over to him, I arch a brow as I stare at his profile for a moment. He’s focused on the limestone building in front of us. He’s got the plans from the security system that I put in place on his iPad. He’s seen it and knows it’s impenetrable.

“I don’t know,” I say.

I’m sure I sound annoyed because I am.

He hums but doesn’t say anything else. We’re in a black car parked across the street and one house down in an effort not to appear suspicious and to also be out of the view of the cameras.

Starting the engine, I begin to shift it intoDriveto get back to the hotel when a car pulls up and stops directly in front of the house. I watch as the back door opens. Two men and one woman exit the vehicle.

They are dressed in business suits, all three of them, the woman being in a skirt suit. They don’t look like Mafia. The way they carry themselves, they seem almost political. If not, then definitely executives of something.


“The wedding is in just two weeks,” Boden announces.

I snort. “Those people have nothing to do with the wedding. What can you dig up on Adriano by the morning?” I ask.

“Not sure, but I can try. I’m thinking I should have been digging up shit on this fucker the whole time I was looking for stuff on Colette,” he murmurs.

Once the suits have entered the house, I shift the car intoDriveand head toward the hotel. “You found out some useful information about him.”

“Like?” he asks.

“That he probably murdered Colette’s mother.”

“Probably did,” he states.