Page 18 of Hunted Vengeance

The ride is silent for me, although Malcolm and my father have many things to talk about, all of which I don’t understand, mainly because I’m not listening. I’m not supposed to listen, either. None of this conversation is for me. Instead, I stare out the passenger side window and watch as the city passes me by.

The car stops, and I turn my head to look over. We’re at The Plaza. I know that Marina mentioned The Plaza to me more than once, but I didn’t really pay attention to everything she said. Most of the ideas and plans she had, I smiled and nodded at but retained nothing.

Because it didn’t matter what I said or what my opinions were, she was going to choose what she wanted for herself, this dress included. The car door opens, and I watch as both Malcolm and my father exit.

My father continues walking toward the entrance, but Malcolm stops and holds his hand out for me to take. Slipping my palm in his, I try to hold back my wince as soon as his fingers curl around it.

I don’t want him to touch me. The whole thing makes me feel icky, but I can’t pull away, either. This man is going to be my husband, and I’m going to have to get used to his touch, even if I have to force myself to.

Sliding to the side, I place my high heels on the sidewalk, gripping Malcolm’s hand as he helps tug me to my feet. He appears smooth, but his grasp is hard, and the way he attempts to maneuver me is rough.

I can only imagine what sex with him will be like.

No doubt, it will be one-sided, selfish, and likely painful. It won’t be anything like it was with Merrick. That part of my life is completely over now. There are no more fantasies and soft kisses.

He slips his arm around my waist and roughly pulls me against his side as if solidifying my thoughts. Trying to keep my smile in place, I walk beside him and wish I were anywhere else in the world.

We move as one unit, although it’s mostly him dragging me alongside his body because I’m afraid to move too quickly or too slowly. I don’t know anything about him, but I can feel enough of his energy to know that one toe out of place would cause some serious backlash.

Marina greets us almost immediately. She’s wearing a dress much like mine, just in a different color. This solidifies my theory that she wanted this whole thing to be hers, and she’s planning it for herself, probably with the idea of my father being the groom in her mind.

Ick and gross. If she knew what he was like, she would not be so starry-eyed over him. “The guests have all arrived and are waiting for you,” Marina sings.

Malcolm says nothing, and I give her a tight smile as my response. We walk through the hotel and then stop at the closed door. I can hear music playing in the room along with the chatter of people’s conversations.

Closing my eyes, I inhale a deep breath, holding it for a moment before I release it. Then I plaster on the fakest and biggest smile I can and watch as the door opens. The crowd immediately turns to look at us, a sea of unrecognizable faces, and we are introduced like we’re royalty or something.

I don’t understand what is happening and why this is such a big deal. My stomach twists as everyone stares at us. The music fades into the background and my whole body trembles.

One foot after the other, and then another.

I count as we walk—one, two, three.

Until we stop at the very front of the room, where, together, we turn to face the audience. They are watching us, their eyes wide and their smiles bright. When the room erupts in applause, I don’t understand what’s happening.

Why are they clapping?

I try to look above their heads at the ornate wooden carved bar and walls. I try to take in the stunning lighting and decor. It’s beautiful. The doors to the room close, and some music begins. I don’t understand what’s happening. But the music isn’t the same as when we walked in. It somehow shifts to something almost sinister sounding.

Malcolm releases my waist, reaches for my hand, and roughly tugs me behind him as he walks toward the side of the stage. I gasp as he marches up the stairs, not even giving me a chance to stabilize myself in these too-high heels.

He only stops when we’re in the middle of the stage. The music slowly dies down, and he releases my hand as he moves toward the microphone stand. I blink, my smile dying slightly as he begins to speak.

“Now that we’re all here and alone, I want to thank you for coming to such a momentous occasion.”

I try to find my smile again, but I can’t plaster it on quite like I did when I walked into this room. Something has shifted. I don’t know if it’s this man beside me or the way that everyone’s gazes have almost turned hungry as they stare up at us.

“The bidding will begin at one hundred thousand dollars.”

I blink, confusion no doubt etched on my face as the people in front of me begin to salivate. They throw their hands up as Ravet raises the price. Then he walks closer to me and laughs, the sound sliding down my spine.

“A chance to fuck my wife on my wedding night. It’s an opportunity that will never come around again.”

My gaze finds my father’s and connects to his. I don’t know what I expect to see when I look into his face, but it isn’t a smirk on his lips. He notices my attention on him and jerks his chin in my direction as if he told me so.

The rest of the chatter in the room becomes white noise as I realize that nobody is going to protect me. Nobody is going to save me. The depths of my father’s cruelty know no bounds. He’s known this was coming and has done nothing to stop it. In fact, I think he likes it based on the way his eyes dance in delight.

That thought makes my whole body instantly ache.