Page 9 of Hunted Vengeance

Lifting my chin, I look up at him as I try to keep my breathing calm and even. “I will not embarrass you,” I state.

He smirks, his gaze appearing anything but humorous. I watch as he spins around and then begins walking. I follow behind him like the perfect little princess he’s forced me to become.

I want to ask him when I’ll be meeting my new ruler, but I decide against it. Being snarky isn’t going to help me in any way whatsoever, especially when it comes to my father.

When we walk into the dining room, I don’t take in the over-the-top decor. I’ve seen it all before, and I’m unimpressed by it, to say the least. It could burn to the ground, and I would smile as I watched the flames envelop the entire building.

But that doesn’t happen. Sinking down across from the wedding planner, I lace my fingers together in my lap as I look down at them. I don’t need to lift my gaze. I don’t need to look at the woman across from me.

Nothing I say matters. My opinion isn’t needed. I don’t even know why my father orchestrated this meeting. He should have just told her to do whatever and approved or denied everything. I’m not sure why I have to be here. I should be able to stay in my room until the big day.

“I’m Marina. It’s wonderful to meet you both,” she says, almost crying out and then giggling.

Lifting my gaze, I look up at her, my eyes finding hers. She’s not looking at me. No, her focus is on my father and only my father. She’s practically drooling over him. I almost tell her to wipe said drool from her lips but decide against it. He’s probably already fucked her. Maybe even made her some empty promises.

It won’t go any further.

Adriano Bellucci doesn’t date.

He uses, and then he loses.

And he will scrape her off into the abyss, never to be seen again—I can only hope that he does that with me. I never want to be on my father’s radar again. I want him to forget that I ever existed. I can only wish to be so lucky, though, because if there is a way for him to use me, he will find it, no matter who I am married to.


The first person toarrive at said meeting is Vaughn. He’s never the first. The second, maybe, but he’s never the first. It surprises me that he’s here, and his gaze is focused on me as I walk through the door.

“We have an issue.”

“An issue?” I ask.

He hums, and I watch him bring his hands to his mouth, pressing his fingertips together like a steeple in front of his lips. He’s serious, far too fucking serious for my taste. I open my mouth to ask him what the fuck he’s got to say when he thankfully starts speaking.

“Your wife is going to remarry.”

“I figured that was part of Bellucci’s plan when he snatched her away from me,” I say.

Vaughn chuckles before his expression turns serious. “She was on the web. On a list.”

I know what he’s talking about. Vaughn moonlights as a hit man. He has an account on the dark web and takes care of people who need to be taken out. As a group, we only found out about it a few months ago when Theron’s wife had put herself on said list,for purchase, and he bought her.

It was a whole fucking drama, but that woman has fucking balls. She’s also a major fucking asset to our security firm. I am proud to have her on our team.

“Colette was on that list?” I ask, my voice coming out on a hiss.

“I wanted to tell you before everyone got here. So that you didn’t fly off the handle at the news,” he explains.

Balling my hands into fists in my lap, I try as hard as I can to contain my emotions—my control. It’s holding on by a thread. I’m contemplating who could have put her on that list and then what they are asking for on top of that.

“Do I want to know the rest?” I ask through gritted teeth.

Vaughn leans back in his chair and then places his palms against the cool wood top of the conference table. Keeping my gaze focused on his, I don’t look away or break contact in any way. I want to know what the fuck is going on.

“A purchase with terms of marriage.”

