Page 82 of Hunted Vengeance

“Nobody will get paid, then?” the biker asks.

“Not unless you can figure out how to hack his banking system and pay yourself. That being said, I would guess it’s all gone already. The new man in charge likely has access to it all.”

My words are firm and the truth. I’m not sure this guy even knows who I am and that I’m part of Securus. I don’t know if he realizes my brothers will find me. They know how to find almost anyone. Even if it takes a few years, they will figure out who the fuck killed me.

Prez leans back in his seat, his gaze searching mine. I’m not sure if he’s trying to figure out whether I’m telling the truth or not.

I am.

Then he strums his fingers on the table, his gaze focused on mine for a silent moment. “I knew who you were when I saw your name on the list.”

“But you didn’t kill us, why?” I ask.

He shrugs his shoulder, then shifts forward in his seat and places his elbows on the table. I’m not sure if he doesn’t want anyone else to hear or if he’s leaning forward for dramatic effect.

“I could lie and say it’s because I knew you were from Nights, and we should stick together.”

I snort at his words because I wouldn’t give a flying fuck where someone is from, and I can’t imagine he would, either.

“But in reality, I knew that you and your men were more useful alive. Plus, my sister talks highly of you all.”


I wonder if his sister is my normal fuck… my in-between Colette fuck. I suck in a breath, holding it while he continues and hoping to shit he doesn’t say her name, although I’m not sure I even remember her name. A lot of shit has happened, but then he says a name I was not expecting at all.


Nadine? Theron’s secretary, Nadine?

“Nadine?” I ask.

His lips curve up before he jerks his chin. “Nadine. My sister. She speaks highly of all of you at Securus. So I told her I would help, but not for free.”

“What do you want?” I ask.



I’m notsure what’s happening right now. However, I do feel it when the tension leaves the room. Maybe it’s just my own tension that vanishes when I realize that, yes, these people kidnapped us, but it seems as if it was in an attempt to save us.

“Nadine?” Merrick asks.

An instant sensation of pure jealousy slams into me. Who is this woman? Flicking my gaze between Merrick and this biker, Prez, across from us, I wait for someone to explain to me what’s happening here, but neither of them does.

“What kind of security? You’re pretty well isolated out here,” Merrick says as he lifts his hand and extends his finger, swirling it in a circle.

Prez leans back in his seat. “Oh, not here,” he says as his lips curve up into a deeper grin. “At my construction company.”

I stare at him for a moment. Construction company? I cannot imagine this man owning a construction company. Merrick, to his credit, doesn’t balk for even a moment at the idea of this man owning a construction company.

“We do this, Securus does this security monitoring for your construction company, and we’re square?”

My heart races inside of my chest, and I can’t help but wonder what is going to happen. I’m listening intently because I can’t imagine that it’s going to be so easy. If it is, then why hasn’t it already been done?

“After a signed contract, we’re square,” Prez states.

I open my mouth to ask a question, then snap it closed as soon as there is a commotion behind me. Turning around, I look over my shoulder to the doorway and watch as Vaughn, Grayson, and a woman walk through together.