He even took me to the wedding of one of his best friends and business partner. I was introduced to everyone there as hiswife. God. Being Mrs. Steele was probably the sexiest thing in the whole world. I was never so proud to be me as I was that night.
But my father ruined it, just like he ruins everything when it comes to me.
Every single thing.
Merrick is probably relieved now, though, not to have to see me or deal with me ever again. He wasn’t in love with me. He only married me because my father caught us having sex and forced him.
He should have just walked away and never looked back. I’m not even sure why he didn’t. I can’t imagine he was scared of my father in any way. It would have been a lot easier on me. But then again, I’m not the one who matters in the games of men. I’m just the piece to be moved around.
Dangled like a carrot.
A little statue to be placed up on a shelf, only to be taken down when I’m needed for their personal gain. And that gain is about to happen again because my father has just sent one of his goons to collect me and bring me to his office.
I’ve officially been moved permanently to New York. All of my things from Florida have been brought to my room, and I’ve had to find places to put them all. Which, honestly, could go in the trash for all I care.
It’s just stuff.
“He wants to see you…now,” Marcello announces.
Whenhebeckons, I must go. It’s my duty as the obedient, silent daughter. It is what he’s made me, what he’s created, and if I act any differently, there will be hell to pay.
Smoothing down my skirt, I square my shoulders and follow Marcello toward my father’s office. Onward and forward with hopes that I survive another day at the hands of the monster.
I should be celebrating.
The wife who I didn’t even want is now gone. I thought this would be a good thing, that I would be glad to be rid of her, but I’m not. Sitting in my apartment, I look around, and it feels desolate.
It’s so empty now.
I should be happy. I can now live the life that I had before she was thrust on me. I can work and be free—nobody to answer to except for my brothers. Those are the only people I should ever have to answer to in my entire life.
And yet.
I miss her.
Reaching for the whiskey glass on my side table, I bring it to my lips and take a drink, hissing as it slides down my throat. Closing my eyes, I lean backward slightly, letting my head rest against the back of the chair.
Sitting in the dark, lamenting my short marriage and the fact that I actually miss Colette, has been my new pastime. I’m not sure why, but I feel uneasy about everything that happened.
Maybe it’s because it seemed as if her father had a hold over me—a big one. I felt forced into marrying her and, then again, forced to give her up. I’m not even sure why. Sure, I tell myself it’s because I didn’t want to deal with the damn Mafia, but the reality is I know that Colette needed out of that house.
She didn’t even have to tell me. I know what someone who is being controlled to a point where it could be considered abuse looks like. I know when someone craves just an ounce of freedom. I saw that in Colette, and I allowed my self-control to slip for a moment.
I tried to take her out of her world, but at the end of the day, it didn’t work. That world is hers, and this one is mine. She would never truly fit in with me. She’s nothing like Theron’s wife, Lucille. She would never put herself on a hit list just to force herself into my life.
She probably doesn’t even know how to search on the dark web, let alone have herself on it and ruin people electronically. God, Lucille is a force to be reckoned with and fits in with our group so perfectly. She’s even started working for Securus.
I have a feeling that Lucille will be the one to find the man who ruined our lives as kids—Ravet.
That motherfucker.
I can’t wait to enact my vengeance on him and whoever the fuck he surrounds himself with. It’s my life’s passion and goal to find him and end him, but not only that—I want to make him suffer as much as he made me.
It will happen.
We may have lost the battle when it came to finding him through the Willow Club, but we did not lose the war. The war will not be won—it will not be over until that motherfucker lies dead at our feet.