She glancesat me from over her shoulder. Those green eyes of hers are holding me hostage. She’s fucking gorgeous. But even looking at her from afar is dangerous. She is not a toy to be played with. I’m here for work, not for a quick fuck.
Although, I don’t think a fuck with her would be quick in any capacity. I would want to take my time. To taste, touch, and feel. I’m ready to use all of my senses on her body. And I want to hear her little sounds when I do, too. Biting my bottom lip, I tear my focus from her green eyes and return to my job.
I’m here to get measurements for this security system they’ve hired my company to install. I’m not here to get my dick wet. That’s what I inwardly repeat to myself over and over. It doesn’t work. Because honest to fuck, my gaze keeps sliding over to this gorgeous fucking creature sitting across the room.
I’m not sure if it’s the fucking heat here in Florida or if it’s because she’s looking at me the way she is, but I’m starting to sweat. Granted, she’s minding her own goddamn business. She hasn’t said a single word to me the entire time I’ve been here, but fuck—Iwanther.
Control is the most crucial thing in my life.
I pride myself on my ability to keep a hold of that power within me. All of us are. Every single man who I own Securus with has the same focus—control. Our early years were full of chaos, and we had little power over our own lives.
We have made it a point never to have that in our lives—nobody will ever have any kind of power or control over me, over us, again. None of us would allow it. No matter fucking what the stakes.
The girl stands slowly, and as she walks, I watch her skirt sway with each move of her hips. I want to slip my hand beneath that skirt and feel her round ass with my fingers—I want to drag them down the soft skin of her thighs.
Shaking my head, I look down at my iPad in an attempt to focus on something, anything, other than her body… my body…our bodies. But I fail because every time I try to read something or do something else, all I can do is imagine sliding into her sweet cunt.
I’m not sure how long I attempt to gain control of my focus, but when a glass of water is set down in front of me, I drag my gaze up to meet the green eyes I’ve been trying so hard to push out of my mind.
“I thought you might be thirsty,” she whispers.
I grunt as my response. I’m not sure what to say. I’m thirsty as fuck, but not for water. Instead of saying that, I wrap my fingers around the glass and lift it to my lips. When I take a drink, I don’t shift my gaze from hers.
It doesn’t quench my thirst, not in the goddamn slightest. She sucks in a breath, her eyes wide as she watches me. I’m not sure if she’s scared or turned on. Maybe a bit of both. She definitely should be a bit of both.
“You are playing with fire, little girl,” I warn.
We stare at one another for a long moment in silence, the intensity of the moment threatening to ignite the world around us. Then she does something that I know is likely innocent, but it makes my cock ache.
Her tongue slides across her bottom lip before she sinks her teeth into the corner. I wantmyteeth in that plump, sexy-ass bottom lip. “Am I?” she asks.
Then, because she has some kind of self-destruction affliction, she walks around the table where I have all my things set up and faces me. Looking up at her, I arch a brow. “Walk away if you don’t want this.”
“This?” she asks.
“This,” I confirm.
She sinks her teeth into her bottom lip again, taking a half step backward, and I think she’s going to walk away. She doesn’t. Instead, she places her hand on the table beside her thigh.
“I’ve never done anything likethisbefore…”
“But?” I ask as I slowly rise to my feet.
“I want to,” she whispers. Her voice so fucking soft, so timid and shy, I want to watch her come undone.
Her words—I want to—are all I need to hear.
Reaching out for her, I wrap my arm around her waist before I haul her body against mine. Her soft tits press against my chest, her big green eyes meet mine, and I know I’m going to ruin her.
“Tell me you want out right now. Run back upstairs and pretend I don’t exist,” I grind out.