Her smile was radiant. Before she got to where we stood against my car, a commotion erupted across the street that caught everyone’s attention. “What the fuck is this bitch Jennifer on now?” Hestia mumbled when she stepped into our space with her attention still across the street.
The streets were already loud because there was an active race happening. Add to it Jennifer’s loud voice, and the noise was almost unrealistic. From where we stood, you could hear her calling some girl a whore and cursing her out. The girl she was screaming at back was to us. All I could see was her fire red hair. I was thrown off a little because it was a known thing in the club community that Aaron was a man who didn’t give a damn about his marriage vows. He blatantly cheated on his wife, and she was fine with it as long as she could remain the Queen of the Kings.
She never acted like this, especially in front of other clubs. We’d all heard about her sending her bitch asshittasto fuck bitches up, but that didn’t hold much weight. Her husband would have a new bitch or the same an hour later. To see her act up in public at an event of this nature told me that whoever this girl was meant more than a possible fuck to Aaron.
The sound of the engines grew louder the closer they came. My eyes bounced between the cars approaching at high speed and this girl being pushed out toward the street. Like we knew what was about to happen, my brothers, sisters, and I stepped forward. Jennifer gave a final push. A car zipped by, and the girl’s body flew in the air.Oh shit!
My sisters’ caring nature kicked in as they led us as we ran to where the girl landed. Others came to assist. I was too stuck on getting at Aaron’s ass for letting his wife wild out like that atour event. Yes, all the clubs were out, but this was a funded-by Mount O event.
“Don’t move her!” Hestia yelled out.
Her medical hat was on, and she was Hestia Verna Basil, board certified trauma surgeon. Almost every club had a member that was in the medical profession. Also, for these events, we had a private emergency services company on standby.
“What the fuck is wrong with your bitch? She could have killed her!”
I pushed the fuck out of Aaron with my question. He stood there like he was in a damn daze until he fell back into some of his pussy club members. The fuck was wrong with this dummy.
His son, Aaron Jr. or AJ, rushed forward to push me, but was halted by a Glock in his face. “I’ve always wanted to know if God was really black. Push my brother and you’ll be able to let me know, bitch.” Hades was on his good bullshit like normal.
“Man, fuck you! Don’t touch my pops!” AJ spat. I would always give AJ his props. Out of the three of his brothers, he was the one I respected the most. I couldn’t fault him for being protective of his father, because I would be the same.
I told Hades to stand at ease. “Look, Aaron, you need to control your raggedy ass bitch. The fuck wrong with her.”
“Aye, don’t call my mama a bitch!” Cory spoke up.
His speaking up for his mother made sense because it was also no secret that out of the three sons, Cory was the only one that seemed to have true love for his mother. Jennifer’s sons were more of a trophy piece she had that connected her and Aaron. Their mother was one of those old hos who wanted to stay young. The same little auxiliary that she was a founding member of, she now spoke of them like they were repulsive. I guessed because she got to her endgame the rest of the bitches didn’t matter.
I ignored Cory to keep my attention on his father. His eyes were narrowed on the street where the girl lay as my sisters and others helped. Jennifer stood at his side with this hateful glare. When I told her she wasn’t shit, she took her eyes off the street to gawk at me.
“Fuck you and that bitch. I hope she dies.”
Her words got a reaction out of Aaron. His neck snapped in her direction so quickly. “What the fuck did you just say, bitch?”Well, damn. He must love that girl.
Oh, tough ass Jennifer wasn’t so tough now. When she moved to wrap her arms around her husband, he pushed her back in disgust before he stomped off. Like she had programmed herself to do, she rushed after him. I just shook my head at them. I looked at the Cooper brothers, then said, “I would have hated to grow up in y’all dysfunctional shit.”
I left them standing there to go over to where they now had lil mama on a stretcher and were about to load her into the ambulance. “Is she good?” I asked Hestia.
“From initial assessment, some shit is broken. I’ll know more when I get her to the hospital.”
Hestia turned to the girl who, even with a bruised face, was gorgeous. I was about to say something to the girl when Hestia started signing with her hand to the woman. I wasn’t sure what she signed, but the girl softly nodded her head. My sister signed something else, then patted her hand before she was loaded into the ambulance.
“She’s deaf?” Hades asked after the ambulance pulled off.
Hera stood next to Hestia with a scowl on her beautiful face. “Where the fuck is Jennifer’s bitch ass at? I’m about to fuck that ho up.”
Hestia held her hand up. “We can handle that bitch later. Let’s get to the hospital. She has no one here.”
They hugged me and my brothers. I told them to keep me updated before they rushed off. I officially had a headache and was ready to go. “Shut this shit down. If anyone hasn’t raced but paid the entry fee, tell them that the King of Kings will refund their fees.”
There was a fifteen-hundred-dollar fee per person to race tonight. There were well over forty races that were slated to happen tonight. I didn’t think we’d completed fifteen yet. I wasn’t refunding shit because it was not the fault of the Mount O’s that we cut the event short.
I walked back over to where the Cooper brothers stood. “Make sure you let your father know that the racers that didn’t get a chance to race due to the event shutting down because your mother’s foolishness will be coming to him for reimbursement of their entry fees. Tell him to pull the funds out y’all mama’s shopping account or some shit.”
I left them standing there but stopped to laugh at my brother’s salutations to them. “You King of Bitches, have a fucked-up night.”
Hades was the comedian of us all. The only time he was serious was when it was time to put in work with his hands or guns. He owned a security company namedOlympus Security. His company was contracted by local corporations, businesses, and clubs to do security. I was proud of my baby bro for finding what he was good at and making it work for him.
I wasn’t sure what was going on with ole girl, but I really hoped she was good. I couldn’t remember ever seeing her before. She was the type of person who stood out. It would only take one look or interaction with her for a person to always remember her. I made a mental note to remember to ask my sister about her.