Page 24 of Zeus: Love of a god

There was no reason for me to stand here any longer. I spun on my heels, then left his hateful ass in the office. It wasn’t fairthat my son was gone, but Aaron’s bitch of a daughter was still here.

It was later in the evening, and I was a bottle of wine down. I hadn’t seen my sons all day. That wasn’t out of the norm, but I thought that they would want to stay close with everything that happened. Aaron had been in and out all day. That also wasn’t out of the norm.Let me go to bed.I knew that, more than likely, I would be here alone for the night.

Just as I threw the wine bottle into the trash and put the glass in the dishwasher, I heard the front door of the house open. The loud voice brought me pause.

“I told you dumb muthafuckas to leave the shit alone for now. Now look at this shit! We got dead fuckin’ bodies all over the fuckin’ place because y’all don’t fuckin’ listen!” Aaron was livid.

I stepped out of the kitchen to see who the hell he was talking to. I was shocked to see it was AJ and Jason. I couldn’t recall a time that I had ever seen him speak to them like that.

“Pops, what the fuck else were we supposed to do? You weren’t making any moves. Those bitches killed our brother!” AJ pounded his fist on his chest.

Aaron walked into his personal space. “You think I don’t know that? That doesn’t mean to act from emotion. I taught your ass better than that. Before your ass went out there and started a fucking war against the biggest fuckin’ club in two fuckin’ regions, I was trying to find out the why.”

“Why does the why matter, Pops?” Jason asked in a calmer voice.

Aaron stepped back before he pinched his nose. “The why matters because they called my son a fucking rapist. Not only did they call him one, since then, his name has been in too many mouths about the shit.”

“My son wasn’t a fucking rapist!” I blurted. Tears escaped me. The guilt consumed me.


“This bitch thinks she’s slick. I thought that ho would learn the first time. Your father needs to keep his dick in his pants, I swear!” I roared as I paced the floor of my son Cory’s condo.

He sat on his couch, twiddling on his computer. My son was so smart and loved his technological stuff. “Ma, I don’t understand why you’re so mad about this one. I’ve never seen you this pissed about a bitch that Pops fucked with. You know he does what he does. Besides, I haven’t seen him around that girl at all.”

“He doesn’t have to be around her. The ditzy bitch keeps emailing him, wanting to meet up. The ho doesn’t know that I’m the one that checks those emails. What type of bitch sends emails?”

Dindi was making my ass itch. I thought that she would get the hint and move all the way around after Drag the Streets. I hated that fuckin’ bitch. I wished her ass would have been in the damn car with her mother when she had that fatal car accident. Both of them could have gone on to glory at the same damn time.

“Well, Mama, have the Kitties beat her ass or something. That’s what you normally do,” Cory said. I heard the annoyance in his voice.

Yeah, I would have had some of the Kitties beat her ass, but half of them were fucking Aaron too. Those heifers hated me because they thought I’d sold out. Connie and Shelby who founded the King’s Kitties with me still considered themselves Kitties, although they were now married to Kings. The secondmy and Aaron’s marriage license was signed and filed, I was no longer a Kitty; I was a wife. I never understood why the wives hated the Kitties so much until I became a wife.

I sat on the couch next to my son. I knew that getting that deaf bitch beat up wouldn’t be enough. “Cory, you know like I do that most of those hos are messing with your dad. Why the hell would I have a woman that’s fucking my husband beat up another woman that’s fucking my husband?”

I knew I was laying the whole side chick lie on thick, but I had to. There was no way that I could tell my boys that Dindi was their older sister. They knew nothing about her, and I wanted to keep it that way. Aaron never talked about her. When her aunt would send updates, I would throw those letters right in the trash before he could see them. He didn’t need to have any communication with them, because we were his family now.

“Son, I need you to do something for me.” After he stopped whatever he was on his laptop doing, to give me his undivided attention, I continued. “Baby boy, in all the years that your father has fucked around on me, this is the first time that I feel like I might lose him. I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose that man. I’ve loved that man for as long as I could remember.” I let the tears fall down my face. This would have to be an Emmy Award winning performance if I wanted him to do what I needed.

My baby boy wrapped his arm around me. “Nah, Ma. I know Pops does what he does, but he would never leave. If that was the case, he would have been left when Jason turned eighteen. I think you’re overthinking this. Have you told him about the emails?” Jason was two years younger than Cory at twenty-four,

“Why the hell would I tell him about the emails? I’m not going to lead him to the exit of our marriage. Cory, I need thatbitch gone! If she’s gone, then I won’t have to stress about my husband leaving me. I can barely eat, thinking about it. I’ve lost more weight than I ever wanted to.”

That wasn’t a complete lie. There was a time when Aaron seemed to go through a phase where he liked much skinnier women. I had gotten my body done four years after I had Jason. I needed to be the baddest on the block. After a gastric sleeve, breast augmentation, and a BBL, I was just that. There was no way that my husband wouldn’t want me.

I went to the Dominican Republic to have the surgery and stayed there for three months. The entire time that I was there, he never called me. I called to make sure that I always checked on the kids, who were between Aaron and my mother. I had a plan for this big reveal at his birthday party. When I showed up at the party, he was with another bitch and paid no attention to me. Shortly after, he started messing with women who were the opposite of my new body. Confusion was not strong enough of a feeling.

For years, he dealt with these skinny bitches while I had a body that was perfectly sculpted. Ten years after I had my initial surgery, I reversed everything that could be. My body was still very nice; it was just more modest like the women he preferred now. I hated my new look, but as long as he loved it, then it was worth it. Like the asshole that he was, the second he saw my new look, he went the opposite way back to thick bitches.

“Ma, what you mean you want her gone? Like, you want her dead or some shit?” When I didn’t answer him, he tilted his head. “Is it really that serious though? She’s a bitch that Pops is fucking like all the other bitches that Pops fucks. This too shall pass, and he’ll be on to a new bitch.” He spoke nonchalantly.

This too shall pass, and he’ll be on to a new bitch.“Cory, do you really think that’s alright? The fact that your father has norespect for our marriage? It’s like you and your brothers have normalized his cheating and expect no accountability from him. That’s crazy to me.”

His eyes softened. “Ma, it’s not that we don’t expect accountability, because he takes it. He has never lied or been quiet, for that matter, about what he’s done or does. You know like I do that he’s told you to leave multiple times if you didn’t like it. Also, let’s not act like you’re an angel. I love you, Ma, but just because you cheat quietly doesn’t make you any different from him.”

My eyes bulged at his words. Cory had never spoken to me like this before. Yes, I’d had my affairs, but I was never disrespectful to Aaron. He wouldn’t be able to tell you one person that I’d cheated on him with. I made sure the men I chose knew how to keep it cute. He needed to teach his bitches the same.

This conversation was not going the way that I thought it would. In the past, all I had to do was say that I wanted something, and Cory was always the first to step up. He was often the only one to step up. AJ and Jason had always had the ‘get someone else to do it’ attitude. I needed this bitch dead.