I continued to kiss her all over her face until her eyes fluttered open. She lifted her head with a pout. When she sat up and stretched, like a magnet, my hand went to her belly. It was like we found out she was pregnant one day, then the next week, her ass was showing. She had the cutest little baby bump that I couldn’t keep my hands off.
When she finally focused on me, her eyes were tight. Instead of talking, she signed. She also did that when she was annoyed, being petty, or a brat. “Why did you wake me up?”
I wasn’t about to play with her petty ass. “You didn’t eat your food before you went to sleep, and you barely ate lunch, love. You gonna eat something for me?”
She reached behind her ear before she spoke. “You better be lucky that I’m hungry. Did Mama Verne cook?”
My heart fluttered. She started calling my mama, Mama Verne a few days after we found out that she was pregnant. “Yeah, she did. Melody is on her way down here?—”
The sound of the alarm as well as the lights flashing on the wall let us know that someone opened the front door. I had the lights installed a while ago since Jin was pretty much moved in. There was also a construction crew building a studio here for her. That was a gift from my parents to her. My mama pulled me to the side one day and told me to give her anything she wanted if it meant that she would move onto the compound with us. I thought that Jin would put up more of a fight when I asked her to move, but she didn’t.
“I hope y’all are decent in here. I don’t want to see ass around here!”
Melody had recently made the decision to move here to be closer to her cousin. Both times when Dindi was attacked, she was in Cali, which she said was a problem for her. The original plan was for Melody to move into the lake house, but that plan was quashed by Poseidon.
“We got our clothes on, girl! Why are you so damn loud?” Jin asked Melody with a giggle.
Poseidon shook his head and laughed behind Melody. I was happy that my lil bro and Melody made a connection. He had always been a to himself type of person. Since we were kids, it was all about his books, the family, and when we were old enough, the club with him. Once he started practicing law, he kept himself out of the way, traveling. Melody was his opposite with her outgoing personality. It balanced them very well.
“Whatever! Go put more clothes on so we can get up the hill for dinner.”
I snickered at Melody telling Jin to put on more clothes. It was a fact that she hated wearing them. When she stayed at my parents’ house, she always wore sweats and T-shirts. When she started staying here with me, it changed to boy shorts and camisoles or those long, thin dresses that I didn’t know I liked until she wore them. I wasn’t sure if it was so much of the dress or the fact that she didn’t wear anything under it. Right now, she had on a dress.
When I gripped her chin, she knew what I wanted. With a smile, she connected her lips to mine. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” she replied before she hopped off my lap.
Poseidon sat down next to me on the couch after Jin and Melody skipped down the hall like schoolgirls. They were like Frick and Frack. It was the cutest shit ever.
“Everything good with you?” Poseidon asked. “I heard about the upcoming meeting request for you and Pops.”He was the only one that called our father Pops.
“I’m good. Yeah, Daddy told me about Aaron calling, asking for a meeting. I’m surprised but not really. I personally wouldn’t want to hear shit from a person that I knew killed my child.” I shrugged my shoulders. “We different though.”
Poseidon nodded. “Shit, if y’all only know what went into getting that block shit to read right in the media and the higher-ups. We need to recruit more criminal lawyers in our club,” he said with a titter.
“That doesn’t sound like a bad idea. Why don’t we sponsor aKnow Your Rightstype of event for the community. Invite criminal lawyers that you think would be a good fit for the club and our purpose. Ones that understand loyalty. If they can’t ride but want to learn, we can take care of that too.” We rarely recruited because there were so many that hung around with thehope of being a Mount O Rider. When we did recruit, it was for a very specific demographic that we needed.
Poseidon stroked his hand across the top of his head. “Yeah, that’s actually a good idea. I love the idea of the event. I’ll get Adora to get on that shit. I already know who I want to collaborate with. Out of the five, only one doesn’t currently ride.”
“That’s what’s up. As far as the meeting is concerned, let me know if you want to sit in. Hades already invited himself,” I told him.
The second that Hades found out about the meeting, he said his going was not negotiable. I figured why not make it a full family affair between the brothers. We were meeting at one of our lounges before we opened.
A smile popped onto my face at the feeling of arms wrapped around my neck from behind the couch. Jin had just washed her hair yesterday with her favorite rosewater shampoo mix. I loved that fucking shampoo. She tried to get me to wash my hair with it, but it was a hard no. I loved to smell my woman, not smell like my woman.
“I’m ready,” she said before she kissed my neck.
I grabbed both of her wrists, pulled them to the same side, then pulled them to gently flip her over my shoulder onto my lap. She erupted with laughter. I loved her playfulness. “Let’s go eat.”
We all got up to head up the hill. My mama texted earlier to let me know that she made a lemon pound cake. My baby had no problem eating that. When we got outside, I stopped walking when Jin stepped behind me. “Dindi, don’t you?—”
Her ass jumped up onto my back. This wasn’t something new, but I didn’t like it now. My mother told me that she would stop when she wasn’t able to anymore, but when would that be. She kissed the side of my neck, put her lips to my ear, then said, “I love you, Zee.”
“I love you too, deaf ass girl.”
She giggled to my words before she smacked the side of my head. “Don’t talk about me, Greek ass boy.”
This was one of my favorite views of Dindi—sitting on my lap while I was lying on my back as she rode my dick. It was even sexier now that her pregnant belly was showing.