Hades ducked his head into the room to let me know that Hestia and Hera were ten minutes out. They must have been at the hospital, which was on University Blvd. I just held my baby and rocked her. She would never be in this studio alone again. If I wasn’t with her, security would be here posted up until she left. I slipped this time, but it would never happen again.
“Baby, let’s get out of this room, okay? I’m going to pick you up.”
She nodded. I stood, then bent down to scoop her into my arms. I stepped over the body, pulled the door open, then left the room. Hades paced outside of the door with the phone to his ear and a scowl on his face. The devil would shiver at his demeanor.
As soon as I set her down on the couch in the upstairs lounge area, Hades went downstairs to open the door for our sisters. At some point, he must have locked it. I knew the rushed footsteps up the stairs were my sisters. They both gasped when they saw her. A tear escaped from Hera’s eye.
Hestia rushed over. She asked her if her cochlear was on with her hands. My baby shook her head. I reached behind her ear and turned it on. Hestia gently grabbed her hands. She told my baby that she was going to touch some places to see if it hurt. Jin flinched in pain when she touched her side.
“Sis, I’m going to lift up your shirt to see, okay?” Hestia asked. She didn’t do it until she was given permission. By then, Hera had joined her.
When she lifted her shit, her entire side was red. My tears released. This shit could not be life.
“Jin, I need to take you to the hospital to make sure you have no internal bleeding.” When my baby shook her head, Hestia soothed her. “I know, I know, but we have to, okay?” My sister looked at me, then asked me to step away for a minute.
I hesitated for a second, but I did. I walked over to Hades. He saw the agony of my spirit and pulled me into a hug. I needed this hug more than I needed oxygen. “Pops is going to meet us here. He’s on the way. Poseidon is on notice. He’s with Melody in Cali. They’re catching the first flight out.”
Moments later, Hera had her arms around Jin as she slowly walked toward us. I rushed over to carefully lift her. Once she was in my arms, I kissed her forehead. “I love you, Dindi.”
Arke and Meliseus pulled up right as I placed my baby in Hestia’s SUV. She kept a notepad and pen in her middle console. I took it out and put it in my back pocket. “Baby, I’m going to be right behind you, okay? I need to talk to them and Pops when he gets here.”
“Okay. I love you,” Dindi said just above a whisper.
I leaned in and softly kissed her lips. Hestia and Hera promised to take good care of her. I knew that they would. My father pulled up fifteen minutes after they left, on his motorcycle. I could imagine him going one hundred on the interstate to get here.
“Where is my daughter-in-love?” he asked as soon as he hopped off his bike.
My father was in immaculate shape for his age. He took his health and physical well-being very seriously. Most people thought he wasn’t any older than forty-eight, maybe fifty because of his gray beard. When they found out that he was fifty-six, they were in disbelief.
I told him that Hestia took her to the hospital. He pulled out his phone to text who I was sure was my mother. Him, Hades, Arke, Meliseus, and I walked into the studio building while I told him what happened. He told Arke to call Tekhne to wipe the cameras. My father praised me when he saw the dead body on the ground. “Prostatéveis tin oikogéneia me káthe kóstos, akóma ki an aftó simaínei thánato állou í ton eaftó sou (You protect family at all costs, even if it means death of another or yourself).”
I let him know my plans for the body. After approval, his instruction to me before he left to go to the hospital to meet my mother was to leave my calling card. They would know that the reckoning of Zeus had fallen on them.
It took forty minutes or so to drop off the package before I got to the hospital. Hades felt left out that he didn’t contribute to the death of a fuck boy, so he added a bullet to his forehead. When my mother saw me, she walked over to me with open arms. “Baby, I know. I know.”
“Mamá, why the hell do these bitches keep testing me?”
She didn’t answer my question. I didn’t expect her to. I pulled away from her when I saw Hestia walking toward me.
“She’s alright. There was no internal bleeding, but she was in a lot of pain. I gave her some meds, and she’s sleeping now,” she told us. With soft eyes, she continued. “I want you to know that she was not violated. She fought hard, Zeus. She fought for herself and y’all’s baby,” she said with a smile.
I stumbled back. “Sh-she’s pregnant?”
When we first started having sex, I told her to get on birth control. I’d admit, I never circled back to make sure that she did. I also stopped pulling out. She never said anything, so I never thought about it.My Jin is pregnant, and that bitch tried to rape her!
My mother’s hand was over her mouth with tears cascading down her cheeks. “I’m going to be a grandmama. Is the baby alright? How far along is she?”
“My lil niecey-pooh, hopefully, is fine. Based on her last period, she’s around twelve weeks. She’ll need to set an appointment with her doctor. The pain meds that I gave her are safe for the baby.” She shed her professional shell and jumped up and down. “I’m going to be an auntie!”
Damn, I popped a baby in her ass quick as hell. Good job!“I want to see my girl. Where is she?” When she told me what room she was in, I left her and my mama standing there.
I walked into the room. Her face was bruised, but it didn’t take away from her beauty. I was so in love with this damn girl it made no damn sense. My previous relationship was about four years ago. It was cool, but after a year, I realized that she was in love with the thought of being Madam Prez versus being with Zeus, the person. When I broke up with her, she tripped for a little while until my sisters had a few words with her. Last Iheard, she’d found her home with the president of another club. They were married with three children.
I pulled the lounge recliner chair close to the bed. After I gave her a kiss on her forehead, I sat down next to her. It was after two in the morning, and I was exhausted. Before I knew it, I was asleep.
Not sure how long I’d been asleep, but I woke up when I felt someone squeeze my hand. My eyes fluttered open. Dindi wore a small smile with her head turned in my direction. I scooted up in my seat. “Hey, love. How you feeling?” I wasn’t sure if she could hear me, so I signed.
“I feel ok, tired. Can we go home, please?” she asked. Her voice was low.