I couldn’t stop laughing at my brother’s stupid ass. Hades rarely took anything seriously. He was the type of person who would crack a joke in the middle of a tragic event. He’d been like that since he was a kid. I loved that no matter what you did, he refused to let anyone break his spirit. “I thought you said she had it.”
“Yeah, she did. She had swamp water pussy that should be condemned. Now her ass is acting like her ass is sprung. How the hell you sprung from sucking a dick? What kinda woman are you!” His face held so much disgust.
We had just come from the strip club that he owned. He almost lost his mind when ole girl was there trying to audition. When we walked in, she was on the stage. Rhythm was not this girl’s friend, and coordination was her enemy. It was painful to watch. Hades asked her why she was there wasting his people’s time. This crazy ass girl said she would do anything to be close to him since he’d ghosted her.
This man told her that having her in his club was a health hazard, and he could not risk getting shut down by the health department for having rotted fish in the building. The way baby girl’s face cracked made me feel so damn bad. The club’s manager, Princess, made it no better by suggesting that she take a trip to the doctor to address her pH balance. Princess was Arke’s wife and one of the best female riders that I’d ever met.
We were on our way to our parents’ house to check in with them. All of us had been busy with business and club shit. We all stayed committed to our Sunday family dinners. I loved our dinners because after dinner, my baby would play an instrument. Last Sunday, she pulled out an acoustic guitar. When we stayed at her lake house and she was in her music room, I loved watching her in her element.
“Mamá, Bampás, where y’all at?” Hades yelled out as soon as we walked into the house.
My father came around the corner with a turned-up lip. “Gie mou, giatí prépei na káneis tóso gamiméno thóryvo sto spíti mou (Son, why must you make so much fucking noise in my house)?”
Although his lip was turned up, he still came over and kissed both of our foreheads like always. We followed him into thekitchen where our mother sat at the kitchen island with a wine glass. The relaxation on her face made me happy.
“Hey, beautiful.”
Hades was the first to kiss her cheek. My brothers and I were mama’s boys, the same as my sisters were daddy’s girls. Our father was the normal Greek father who wanted his children close, hence the family compound. None of us minded because we wanted to be close. Our hope was to raise our children within close proximity, so the family compound was perfect.
“Hey, my boys. What are y’all up to tonight?” she asked with a coy smile. Laverne Basil was nosy as fuck.
“Nothing much. We’re about to head out to get my baby. Her ass been in that damn studio all day, and I bet her ass didn’t eat.”
I knew my girl, and her ass would get sick because she forgot to eat. My baby was slim, thick with it. I loved that shit because I fit perfectly between her thighs. She had enough ass to fill my hands and ripple on my dick.
My mother kissed her teeth. “Now, I done told that damn girl about not eating. She gonna make me pull my belt out. Tell her that I’m gonna be over at your house in the morning to cook breakfast. I dare her not to eat too.”
“I’ll tell her,” I said. My mother coming over to cook was never a bad thing. Her southern breakfast was always good.
Hades crossed his arms over his chest. That was the sign that he was about to have a tantrum of some sort. “So, I have to get a woman before you come cook breakfast at my house?”
My father guffawed. “That’s about right, Son. You know she’s not going to come over there for some pórni (whore). Matter of fact, you better not bring one through those gates, or it’s going to be a problem.”
“That’s messed up.” The pout on his face would make you think that someone smacked his ice cream on the ground. This man was spoiled like hell.
I pushed him in the shoulder. “Man, come on so I can get to my girl.”
No one had time to play with my brother’s ignorant ass. I left him standing there. If he wasn’t in the car by the time I put the gearshift in drive, his ass would get left. Bet his ass was in my truck by the time I was ready to pull off.
Just like I thought, my baby hadn’t eaten. She really fixed her mouth to tell me that she ate some damn cheese cubes and pepperoni. There was a refrigerator in her studio that I had installed. Once I saw the late hours that she kept, I made her put a refrigerator and microwave in there. She complained because there was all of that in the breakroom. That didn’t matter to me. When Jin was on her grind you couldn’t get her out of that studio.
We stopped at Cook-Out to get her sandwich that she had to have at least three times a week. When we got to the building, I parked in my assigned spot. Yep, I had them put assigned spots for my baby, the receptionist, and me. When my brother and I got to the front door, I pressed the buzzer.
When it didn’t sound off and the lights in the building didn’t flash, I raised a brow. The front door of the studio was double-plated, bulletproof glass, so you could see the light from outside of the building.Something’s not right.I pulled the door handle without putting in my code. When it opened, I dropped the bag of food to pull out my gun. My brother followed suit. Jin knew better than to leave the door unlocked after hours.
My brother and I moved through the empty building with our senses wide open and our guns up. I planned to shoot anything moving and worry about the shit later. My baby’s studio was upstairs in the back. The second my foot touched the top of the staircase, I heard a low but audible scream. We took off toward her studio.
I pushed the door in and went into beast mode. Some bitch boy was on top of my girl with his pants halfway down. She tried to fight him off, but he overpowered her. I grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him up. When I saw who it was, red clouded my vision. Without second thought, I took off on that bitch.
Hades knew that I had it, so he went over to help my baby. I got him in a headlock and held him. “So you want to be a fucking rapist? Well, you fucked with the wrong one.”
With a quick movement of my hands, I snapped his neck. He could be a rapist in hell. His body dropped. I left him there to get to my girl. I dropped to my knees. “Baby, baby! Oh God. Hades, call Hestia now!”
“I got you, man. I’m going to call Meliseus and Arke too. Take care of your girl.” He rushed out of the studio, but not before he kicked the dead pussy on the floor in the face.
Jin’s face was bloodied. There was a handprint around her neck. She fell into my arms, hysterically crying. With a hoarse voice, she spoke. “Wh-why would he do that do me? Wha-what did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything.” I pulled her face out of my chest. “He’s gone. He will never hurt you again.”