I learned that was the club’s slogan. With a smile, he helped me into the car.Let’s do this.Time to put on a show.
My mouth dropped when we pulled into the parking lot of the strip where my studio was. All the businesses were closed. It was a good thing, too, because this event took up the entire strip parking lot. Melody had the foresight to use many of them for different things that we needed for tonight, including but not limited to catering, decorations, valet, and branded items for our goodie bags.
There was a red carpet that led to the entrance of the building, and paparazzi lined it to take pictures of the celebrity guests. Reporters were also there asking for interviews from celebrities in attendance. Zeus leaned over, grabbed my chin, then pulled my lips to his to kiss. “Let’s show the world who my baby is.”
The driver came around and opened the door. Zeus stepped out in all his sexiness. He straightened his suit before he reached his hand out. I took a deep breath and said a quick prayer before I put my hand in his. When my foot hit the carpet, the flashes from the cameras became more intense. I saw the sign language interpreter that Melody hired. Tonight would be the night that the world found out that I was deaf.
Zeus and I posed for pictures before we walked down the red carpet. A reporter from a syndicated network who we promised to give the first interview to called us over. My interpreter, Gracie, who happened to be a member of the Mount O Riders, gave me a warm smile. She looked absolutely radiant.
“Harmony Kadence, you look absolutely beautiful tonight,” Mandy, the reporter, complimented. “What made you decide to reveal yourself now to the public?”
She followed my eyes because they were not on her. When she saw my interpreter, the shock on her face was comical. I had my cochlear on, but I chose not to speak tonight. I signed my answer to Gracie. “I felt that it was time that the world saw the face behind the songs and beats.”
Mandy nodded. “I see that you have a sign language interpreter. Should I conclude that you are hearing impaired?”Stupid ass question. No, I do this shit for fun.
“Yes, I am. I was born deaf.” Gracie gave her my answer to her question.
Mandy’s smile was big and bright. She knew that this interview was a gold mine. “Wow! That makes you even more of a wonder woman. Your songs and beats have dominated the industry for many years. To know that you accomplished all that while being hearing impaired is a true inspiration.” She turned her attention to my man. “May I ask your name and who you are to Miss Harmony Kadence?”
He gave his award-winning smile that showed off his bottom diamond encrusted open-faced grill. When he lifted his hands and began signing, my chest contracted. My eyes bounced between Gracie, who gave me a wink, Mandy, and the man who I officially was in love with.
“My name is Zeus Basil. Miss Harmony Kadence is the love of my life and my forever more.” My heart swooned to his signed words.
Mandy’s head ticked to the side. “Ok, Miss Harmony Kadence. Mr. Basil, are you also hearing impaired?”
This time, he answered verbally. “No, I am not.”
When we met, he did not know American Sign Language. He didn’t realize what it meant to me that he took the time to learn. He had to have been learning for a while because he did not falter.
She asked us a few more questions before we moved along the line to take more pictures and give more interviews. Every time he answered with ASL, my pussy got wet. It looked like I was going to pull him into my studio and let him fuck me into a stupor at some point tonight anyway.
When we made it inside of the building, I asked him when he learned how to sign, with my hands. After he told me that he had been taking lessons from Gracie since the week after he met me, I stood on the tips of my toes to close the gap between us, to lasciviously kiss him. The few members of the press who were granted passes to enter the building had a field day taking pictures.
The rest of the night was absolutely magical. We were able to announce that in the last quarter of the year, I planned to start a mentoring program partnering with local high schools for students who were interested in sound engineering. Other producers agreed to join the program and mentor students as well.
Although the night was magical, I couldn’t lie. I was disappointed to not see my father. Like Melody said, he wouldn’t come. Also like she said, my heart would be broken.
Business had never been better when it came to both my studio being booked to capacity and clients asking for beats and songs. It was like now that the world knew who I was and that I was hearing impaired, they wanted to have a stamp of my excellence on their album. Trust me, I didn’t mind either.
It was almost eleven at night. I was in the studio working on something. I was in the zone and was determined to finish this project tonight. Zeus hated it when I was in the studio late without him. He had business to take care of. I was sure that he would be on his way soon enough. My man didn’t play about me at all. I loved that for me.
Like he felt me thinking about him, my phone lit up with a video call from my baby. I turned my hearing on. “Hey, baby.”
“What’s up, love. Me and Hades are headed your way now. Have you eaten since the last time that I saw you?” His eyes narrowed.
I had a bad habit of letting the day get away from me and forgetting to eat. It was something that Melody got on me about all the time. It wasn’t an intentional thing. I tended to get into a zone, and once that happened, I blocked everything out. “I had some cube cheese and pepperoni.”
“Jin, you know I’m going to get in your ass when I get there. I told you about this shit.” His tone was stern. Little did he know,that shit turned me on.Reprimand me, you big dick Greek god.“I’m going to bring you something to eat.”
I told him that I wanted Cook-Out. He rolled his eyes, but I knew he was going to walk through that door with my grilled chicken sandwich, cheddar style, and Cheerwine float. He had the code to get into the building, but he still always pressed the buzzer to let me know that he was here. We spoke for a few more minutes before we got off the call. I went back to the silence of my mind to get back to work.
I wasn’t sure how long I was working when I felt someone behind me. I must have really been in the zone not to see the light flash to let me know my baby was here. I smiled before I turned around but was met with something that I least expected—a punch to the face.
“Man,I had to cut that ho off. I never fucked that girl. After I got a whiff of that abominable pussy slush that she had between her legs, I told her all she could do was suck my dick. Bro, I had to wash my hands with bleach and Fabuloso.”