“You think I ruined you before? You don’t even know the meaning of the word. You have no idea how far I would go with you, Ava. How I would use you. You don’t know what you’re asking for.”

“Show me.”

My hands guide him into me again, urging him to fuck me like he was before. Ineedit.

“Answer a question first,” he says, low and serious. I search his face, trying to anticipate it, trying to give a name to that familiar shadow in his eyes. I can’t. Finally, Nico smiles a little, that signature, dangerous smirk, and asks, “Are you on birth control?”

The question catches me off guard, blows my pupils wide as I realize what he’s threatening me with. Theruinhe could give me.


“Good. Because I’m going to fill you up until you’re dripping with my come. You’d like that, huh? Being bred like a wife,” he snarls.

Those strong arms roll me over onto my hands and knees like I’m just a doll in his powerful grip. He draws my hips backagainst him, pushes into me at this new angle that buries him deep. My hands grip the pillow, white-knuckled, as Nico fucks me from behind. He puts my ass in the air, presses my head facedown into the bed, like he knows all the sounds he’s about to pull from my lips. He sends me squealing and shaking as pounding, molten pleasure overwhelms me.

“Because there’s no protection that can protect you fromme.”

In all the times we were together before, on every surface in that hotel room, Niconevermoved like this. This is something different, desperate. It all clicks as I’m sprawled beneath him, legs spread, his raw cock buried deep toward my womb. Single-minded and ruthless, Nico isn’t just fucking me—he’s breeding me, taking every inch of me for himself.

It’s another threat. Another knife to my throat, gun to my head.

And it gets me off, the danger of it all, the bad decision.

Nico groans loudly behind me, smacking my ass hard as he fucks me deeper, until I feel the jolt of it all the way in my belly. My eyes roll, the pleasure choking on my tongue.

Nico leans over, words running hot against my ear. “I told you I’d get you a wedding present if you married Thaddeus. Imagine if I gave you something to carry down the aisle with you. His ring on your finger, my baby in your belly.”

I can barely breathe, my words just a pitched squeal as his huge cock hammers deep inside me. My teeth close around his bedsheets, tears streaming down my face as I hit that peak. I jolt hard, screaming mutely into his mattress. The planet reels and the sky trembles, my little universe imploding inside me. I shakefrom head to toe as the sensation ripples tight through my pussy, throbbing deep, squeezing the pleasure until it drips between my legs.

Nico doesn’t last through that. He can’t. He hooks his hands into my hips, dragging me back against him as I finish, all at once tight and soft and wet, and he gasps as he bends over me, tension rippling in his muscles and catching in his breath, his cock buried deep.

We finish at the same time, locked in the same blistering moment.

I roll over onto my back. Cold air drags into my lungs, my limbs shaking and exhausted. Nico pulls me up into his arms, sprawling me out across his lap. We stare at each other, faces red and dotted with sweat, the fresh morning dew of a bad decision.

I reel in the aftermath, feeling so good and so bad at once, that I don’t know what to do with myself but sit there and be numb.

“What the fuck am I doing?” I whisper half-heartedly. I should hate him for doing this to me, for putting me through it—but I don’t want to hate him, just as much as I don’t want to like him.

“Nothing,” he reminds me, rubbing his huge hand against my over-worked pussy. “I’m doing thistoyou. Making you take your medicine like a good girl,” he says, low and soft, pressing a kiss against the heel of my palm and dragging his teeth across the skin. “Your body knows what you need.”

I grapple with that while Nico strips down the bedsheets.

“You’re fixing my door,” I say into the sudden quiet.

Nico chuckles lowly. “Fine. But I’m taking the lock off.”

I decide that I can live with that.

Silence seals the deal.

He puts the TV on low, and when he crawls back into the fresh bed, he draws me into his arms and holds me there—claimed, a prize that he’s won. He presses kisses to my temple and my shoulder, his hand rubbing over my belly.

“I’m not gonna fuck you into loving me, Ava.”

The statement rocks me out of my thoughts, so unexpected that I feel like Nico snapped his fingers and knocked me out of a trance. He continues,

“You already loved a man, and I’m not him. I never will be. So don’t lie there and worry about that bullshit. It doesn’t matter. You’ve got your love for V locked up behind a door even I can’t kick down.”