“Yes. Why wasmy wifespending time with her so-called fiancé?”
Between last Friday and now, I don’t know where this caginess and distrust came from. The wordsmy wifedon’t have the same effect tonight as they did then. She holds her ground, and if she blushes, I think it’s only with frustration and not butterflies.
“Because this is the real world, Nico. You and I can sneak off to places like this and play pretend together as much as we want, but that’s all it is. A fantasy. It’s not real, and it’s never going to be, no matter how many cars you buy me or dinners you crash. I can’t do this. I’m engaged, and I have to start acting like it whether you like it or not.”
“Were you going to fuck him?” I demand.
“Are you still trying to fuck over my brother?” she counters, just as quick. The silence stretches, the tension palpable as it simmers between us. I taste it on the air between us, electric, ready to snap, and even I don’t know if we’re going to fight or fuck.
“It’s not like I wanted to!” she finally snaps. “You and I aren’t together, Nico! We’re not a couple; I don’t even know if we’refriends. We’re just—just fucked up!”
“There’s no question about what we are, Ava,” I cut across, before she can make it all twisted and complicated. “You’re my woman, and I’m your man. And that’s all there is. Marriage laws and family deals and labels, none of that shit matters. Not for us. Now, tell me why you’ve been bad.”
My hands tear into that fucking dress in one simple motion, the seams popping apart. Ava’s breath hitches. Glitzy fabric rips apart in my hands, goes spilling down her chest. The lingerie bodice underneath is a strapless lace corset. It pushes Ava’s tits up, makes them tight and high, as if it can barely hold them back. The whole thing looks too innocent for that wild look in her eyes.
“Tell me what you did.”
Her teeth sink into that lower lip, and even if she tells herself not to play into the game, she can’t resist.
“I went to dinner with someone else.”
I drag my finger up the sheer fabric of the corset.
“And I wore the lingerie he bought me.”
“This doesn’t even suit you,” I whisper furiously. “He doesn’t fucking know you at all. He thinks you’re something delicate and fragile.” She gasps sharply as I push her legs apart and tear ahole into the lacy garment with my hands, leaving her bare pussy unguarded and exposed as I swirl my hand around it.
“Oh, fuck,” she mews softly, as I pick right back up where I left off in the restaurant. The last time we fucked, the girl had the upper hand on me. Not anymore. I flip Ava around and bend her over the edge of the mattress. I trace the little bumps outlined on her spine as I stretch her out beneath me, then push my hips up against her from behind. I let her feel the weight of my erection straining against the inseam of my trousers, pressing it against the curve of her hot, bare pussy. She grinds back gently.
“Please, Nico,” she gasps. “You’re all I really want for my birthday.”
I slide my palm all the way down between her legs and roughly manhandle that pussy, leveraging her weight against it as I slide my hand up and down, damn near bringing her up off the floor.
“Is this what you like, Ava? Being dressed up like a sex doll by another man? Did you get off, sitting there thinking about how he wanted you?”
“No,” she gasps, “I just thought about how jealous you would be.”
Half drunk on sake and my still cock twitches in response like a trained dog hearing a command. I ignore the urge.
“This time, you underestimated me.”
She whimpers, leaning over, grinding her hips against my palm as I work her up.
“One more chance, Ava. How old are you? Or I’m going to guess, and you’re not going to like the answer I come up with.”
“Twenty-two,” she finally admits.
I pull one bow free and unfurl it into a short ribbon. I wrap it loosely around her wrists, just enough to wrap around the bedpost.
“Look,” I tell her, making her watch. I pull her wrists down, and the ribbon unfurls easily. “You see how loose that is?”
She nods.