He glances over at me, that possessive look stirring back to life. My pussy throbs with more pain than pleasure now, the mere thought of wanting to fuck him too exhausting to even consider for more than a few seconds.
“Because I don’t want anyone else to have you.”
“You don’tknowme.”
Nico laughs lowly, his tongue swiping over his lower lip.
“Bullshit. I’ve known every part of you now. I know you’re fucked up. I know you have jagged edges. Well, so do I, and they fit with yours like puzzle pieces. You can’t tell me you don’t feel that.”
I do feel it, and that’s the whole problem. I’m not supposed to feel anything.
“I had years of my life taken from me,” Nico continues, his voice low and poisonous. “I’ve had my role in my family stripped away. I’ll be damned if I take second best when it comes to the woman and I want, and like it or not, Ava, that’s you. Ionlywant you. You want to know why you deserve that, you take it up with God. Not me.”
My belly ties itself into a knot, my heart pounding just a little too hard.
“Now get some sleep,” he says, breaking the seriousness of the moment by tossing a pillow into my face. “I’m gonna have you again before the sun comes up.”
I take the pillow and force it into submission under my head, facing away from him just so he can’t see my smile. Nico’s body heat lures me in when I am half-asleep, and soon I give in and curl up against him, into the crook of his arm. I drift off entirely, listening to his steady breathing.
Before sunrise, Nico makes good on his word again. The sky streaks with purple as Nico wakes me up with his head between my legs, kissing me awake by the cunt. This time, he presses me up against the full window. I overlook all of Manhattan, with my bare tits pressed against the cold glass. In the early morning hours, the city is still shaded in twilight, and an audience of a million windows looks back at me.
He has me stretched out completely naked where the whole waking world can see.
He fucks me slowly, gently, his mouth on my neck and his words on my ear. I can’t take much more than that. The pain has really set in now, and every little motion is like scraping against a raw nerve. I don’t fuss at him for thrusting slow and deep inside me or reaching around to stroke my clit to offset the pain.
I lean back into him, feeling the steady jolt of his hips, the way my ass shakes with every thrust. His free hand joins mine on the window as he breathes against my ear.
“You like it, don’t you?” he breathes. “Being fucked like a lover. Like awife.”
My belly shudders at the words.
I whine, pitchy and breathless, as he ramps up the pace.
“No,” I whimper, in a tone that saysyes.
My desperation grows wild as the sky begins to lighten, white light creeping up over the edge of the buildings. The sun is on its way as Nico’s hips drive into me, putting a delicious counter-pressure on my pelvis as I grind into his hand.
“Don’t lie to me,” he says, pumping harder between my legs until they shake.
“I’m sorry,” I whine.
Nico slows again, giving me the deep, sensual lovemaking.
“Try again,” he prompts.
“I like it,” I confess, with tears in my eyes that, for the first time since Nico took me under him, have nothing to do with physical pain. “I shouldn’t. Ishouldn’t.”
“That’s it, gorgeous. Give me all that fucked-up guilt. You don’t have to feel guilty for the rest of your fucking life,” he whispers. “Just blame me. It’s my fault. Imadeyou feel this. Imadeyou come. I didn’t give you any other fucking choice. Blame me, baby girl. I’ll take the fall.”
I stare out of the window and dread the sun. The colors keep shifting, the sand in the hourglass running thin. My hands knotinto fists, sobs of pleasure tearing from my lips as my body tries to give him another orgasm.
I feel like Persephone, soon to be whisked away from Hades, unsure if it’s a blessing or a curse to be rid of him.
He turns me around and picks me up off the ground to fuck me against the window properly, my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. My jaw clenches, pleasure cutting deep through my already spent, exhausted core.
He hits a place deep inside me that makes me see stars, giving me more of his cock than he ever dared before. My legs clamp around his waist, back arching. He’s never done it like this—slow, methodical—and I feel the pleasure building and building, refusing to break until I scream with it.
And I do scream, just like he said.