Rising on shaky legs, I lean down and kiss Prue brow.

“I have to go check on a few things. I’ll come by again tomorrow.”

“I’d love that,” she sighs.

No sooner do I turn from the bed than Zander pushes into the room as if waiting for the moment he could return. He gives me a rushed farewell before settling in at Prue’s side. I watch them for a moment. The tethers of their souls are fusing—strengthening.

Jealousy and happiness course through me, and I wonder what it is like to find that. Bael’s perceived love for me isn’t real, but it’s easy to pretend it is. Especially as I take in the look in Zander’s eyes and realize with a heavy heart that Bael looks at me the same way.

Soon enough, contempt will return to his violet eyes when he stares at me. I will not allow myself to be swept up by my spell, even if that is easier said than done.



He lies tormented in his bed.

The whispers from beyond the veil are silent for the moment. The male they normally pester is awash in his madness. He has managed not to alert her of his presence for two days. Even as he crept down hallways after her sweet scent, he transformed into a raven and settled on her window sill, watching for hours as she flitted about her room.

He remained her silent watcher as the sun began to set. He flew off when she started to change for bed. Any glimpse of her naked skin would send him deeper into his hysteria. The stalking was deplorable enough.

He stayed until exhaustion began to weigh him down and returned to his cottage.

How will he keep himself in check when he sees her again? He doesn’t know, but he will—he’ll do this properly and earn her affection. For now, he settles for the version of her in his dreams.

Pink curls tickle his chin. Small hands are warm and seeking as they glide over his skin. They skim lower, searching for the hardness that’s only ever formed for her. Once he earns heraffection, he will give in to his completion for the first time. Only with her—she is it for him.

His plan is already in motion. Knowing he will see her again soon, his body surrenders to slumber again. Warm hands pull him down into its waiting depth, and magenta eyes see into his soul.



Idid not know what it was, but I knew who had sent it.

It appeared in the center of my room just as dawn was breaking. The soft glow woke me up, and now I find myself face to face with the largest crystal I have ever seen. It sits in the center of my room, refracting the morning light. My walls are awash in rainbow-colored light beams as the stone glimmers.

The obsidian block pulses with power. Its opaque surface is pristine—smooth and round—and seems otherworldly. Its dark color contrasts sharply with the light pastels my room is filled with. Tentatively, I crawl out of bed and take a step towards it. The sun has now fully risen. Its golden light seeps through my windows and lands squarely on the stone.

There is silence for a moment—my beating heart roars in my ears. Then, a loud crack ripples through the room. I gasp as a deep gash forms at the top of the crystal. It spreads like a spider’s web down the sides—snapping and breaking until it falls open.

Inside is a swath of amethyst. The jagged edges of the shattered stones stick up like broken teeth. The sunlight pours over each crystal, casting my room in glowing, purple light. More cracking echoes around me as I watch the amethyst take shape.With a gentle hum, it moves of its own accord, rearranging into a series of flowers made from the hard crystal.

My eyes narrow in on the massive bouquet and the lone piece of parchment resting atop the still blooms. It is enclosed with a wax seal depicting a raven resting next to a skull—Bael’s seal.

Power tickles my fingertips as I reach for it. I can hear voices whispering in the room around me—spurning me on to take it. Cool air pours from the mess of stones. My bare arms prickling with goosebumps. Holding the note, I take a deep breath and snap the wax.

Bael’s elegant script greets me:

‘Your beauty is bewitching, and your soul is kind. Please allow me the honor of calling you mine. You have haunted the hidden depths of my soul. I yearn for your touch that would make me whole. I’ll wait forever at the mercy of your whims, longing for the day I can hold you in my limbs.’

An infectious giggle bursts out of me. Goddess, he is so cute—and a little cheesy, but that makes my heart melt further. I tuck the note against my chest and close my eyes. It even smells faintly of him. I inhale greedily.

It's my first love note ever, and it’s from Bael. Who would’ve thought? The reality of why he sent all this to me threatens to ruin the moment, but I won’t let it. I need to play along and to do that, I must embrace this courting ritual. It’ll be nice to pretend it’s real for a little while.

Opening my eyes, I reach for an empty box on my desk and lay the note in it. I’ll discard all the evidence once this is over.

Another powerful hum cuts through the air. The crystal flowers begin to shimmer and shake, glowing with a new intensity that leads to a riotous explosion of colors. Purple glitter dances through the air in a misty cloud before the crystal bouquet transforms into one of real lilacs.