I don’t hear the rest of whatever flirtatious come-on he was about to deliver as I dig my heel into the lawn and take what I hope is a believable tumble directly into the High Warlock. His hard body jostles against mine as he lets out a surprised grunt. My hand goes to the top of his goblet, dumping the vial's contents into it as he helps me.

I slip my hand away, concealing the glass vial again, as a true blush breaks out along my cheeks.

“High Warlock,” I say breathlessly, staring up at him.

His eyes swim with intensity, but neither he nor Romina, who I can see from the corner of my eye is glaring at me, seem to have noticed what I slipped in his drink. They were much too distracted by my fall, which was my hope. The High Warlock’s hands are on my upper arms, squeezing like he had earlier in Mistress Saege’s class. Through the thin sleeves of my dress, it feels as though he’s touching my naked skin.

“I’m so, so sorry,” I began to babble. “Here, let me—did I spill on you? I?—”

“It is alright, Miss Thistle,” he says in a low voice. “Are you injured?”

My mouth goes dry, and I notice his eyes take on a softer edge. Very peculiar.


“Take care, girl. Those shoes are ridiculous for a school function,” Mistress Romina snarls, disgust dripping from each word.

Before I can respond, I watch the High Warlock’s eyes harden as he turns that steely stare on the other witch.

“It is hardly Miss Thistle's fault the grass is overgrown.”

Both Romina and I stare at him in shock. Of all the things I expected him to do, taking my side against the older witch was not one of them. I notice with a start that his hands are still resting against me. It feels nice—that is, it would feel nice being touched this way by someone—anyone—not just the High Warlock.

“Darcee,” Marius calls, walking over to me. His arm slinks around my waist. “Are you alright?”

The High Warlock instantly drops his hands from my body and stalks back. He regards Marius with the same thin-veileddisdain I’m used to being at the receiving end of. I will admit his violet eyes have a more volatile edge as they stare at my companion, but I think little of it.

“Fine,” I chirp, leaning into his side. “I apologize again, High Warlock. See you at dawn.”

The High Warlock barely nods as I slip away, my plan in motion. All that’s left is for him to drink it, and all my problems will be solved. Relief floods me as I allow Marius to lead me closer to the wooded area at the edge of the school grounds.

“What was all that about? The way the High Warlock looks at you?—”

“He’s never been my biggest fan,” I say.

Marius seems to want to say more, but his eyes snag on the dark trees. He glances around, seeing just how secluded we are. A fresh grin curves his full lips. His arms wind their way around my back, tangling in the ends of my hair.

“Now that we are alone, what do you say to a quick romp in the woods? Our secret?”

I let out a hearty laugh and push up on my toes. My lips connect with his soft cheek.

“Oh, Marius, your cock isn’t big enough to tempt me into accepting that offer.”

Disentangling myself from him, I enter the woods and leave him blinking after me. Knowing Marius, he’ll take my rejection on the chin and find a more willing partner for the evening. His true love isn’t at Axwyne either, and he’ll need to change a lot about himself before he finds her. I do not doubt that he will, for the right girl.

My heels click along the familiar stone path. The scent of incense and smoke leads me deeper into the woods until I reach the first clearing. Atop a large fire sits a boiling cauldron with an array of dried flowers and herbs next to it. Behind it, with her long pale arms stretched towards the moon, is Mistress Saege.

Her graying hair is braided behind her back, and her white shawl floats around her body. She is a beacon I find myself moving towards. Her mouth moves in a silent incantation. I shouldn’t be intruding, but I can’t help myself. The older witch’s power flows from her and skims over my skin. The serenity here tickles something in my mind, and I feel the intense urge to run back and smack the High Warlock’s goblet from his hand.

I shake myself from the thought and watch Mistress Saege’s eyes blink open. I’m happy to see them free of tears. A soft smile pulls at her lips as she waves me forward.

“My dear, come. Let us give our offerings to the moon.”

I smile and do as she bids me. We work together in quiet contemplation. I light tall taper candles and slice fresh apples to be added to the boiling cauldron. We pour bottles of fresh wine into the steaming pot, reflecting on our intentions. I open myself up for guidance and toss in a few bay leaves for good luck.

Once we are done, Mistress Saege pours me a glass of wine, and we settle atop a silk sheet on the ground. The night breeze tugs at my hair, and the moon casts us in a blue glow. Saege smiles at me over the lip of her glass goblet. Peace radiates from her and smooths over my frayed nerves.

“Are you feeling better, Mistress?”