Slipping from the room, I make my way towards the courtyard. The voices around me rise, and I take in the revelry. Streamers of all colors blow in the breeze. Pyres have been built high and are burning fiercely. Offerings are laid out for our Gods and Goddesses to celebrate spring and the plenty it will bring. Magic flows through the air, its metallic scent cutting through the smell of fresh grass and smoke.
Several students passed me, clearly drunk. Their cheeks are ruddy, and their steps are staggering as they trot around the front lawn—a few clasps glittering sparklers in their hands as they flit between the massive bonfires. Long wooden tables are laden with food and wine for celebrating. I’m stopped briefly by Ulya, who begs me for another love reading.
I sigh softly, touching her shoulder. She is a first-year with curling brown hair and freckled cheeks. Her massive knit sweater swallows up her lush figure, and the way she curls in on herself still after all her sessions with me breaks my heart.
“As I’ve repeatedly said, you must listen to the cards. Weekly readings won’t change anything.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Now, have you been doing your self-love affirmations? Remember, no one will?—”
“Love us if we don’t love ourselves first. I know, and you’re right. I just feel silly,” she admits sheepishly. I tip up her chin and find her cheeks darkening with color.
“Everyone feels silly—especially where love is concerned. But we cannot fully accept or return another’s love until we are content with ourselves.”
Ulya shrugs, looking away. Something sparkles under her collar. I tuck my finger under the neckline of her wool sweater.
“What do you have on under here?” I say, spying glittery satin.
“I—well—I know you said I should start dressing for myself, so I bought this dress. My mother would never let me wear such a thing, but I liked it. I wanted to wear it tonight but thought it was?—”
“Take off the sweater, Ulya. Let yourself be seen.”
The young witch takes a deep breath before pulling her sweater's heavy, dark green fabric over her head. Backing up a step, I take her in. The dress shimmers in the moonlight. Silver and gold weave amongst the amethyst-colored fabric. The dress hugs her figure, showing off the fullness of her breasts and the curve of her ample hips. Dark tights give way to tall black boots, accentuating her legs. She tucks a curly strand of hair behind her ear.
“Well,” she says, her eyes transfixed on the grass below her.
I smile, pulling a pin from my hair and securing the left side of her hair away from her face. She looks up at me, her green eyes glowing atop her tan cheeks.
“You look beautiful, Ulya. Don’t hide anymore.”
Her cheeks go up in a flash of pink.
“Thanks, Darcee. I?—”
“Ulya?” a soft voice calls.
Both of us turn to see Talia, a second-year green witch. Her dark brown skin is covered in a light dusting of gold glitter that matches the golden thread woven between her braids. Her dark eyes sparkle, complimented by her olive green dress. Freshflowers and a smattering of dried herbs containers are tucked into her belt.
She’s come to me before, looking for any guidance on where her future partner could be. As I watch the two witches stare at each other, my intuition wakes from its slumber with a smile.
“Wow, you look—I’ve never seen you dress like this.”
“Ulya told me she hasn’t seen the new installments in the botanical gardens. Talia, you had a hand in those, didn’t you?”
Ulya gives me a wide-eyed look, but I keep a calm smile on my face. Talia glows with happiness, clearly a lover of plants.
“Oh yes, I’d be happy to show you. It is some of my best work if I say so myself.”
Ulya merely blinks at her. The silence stretches long enough that I nudge her with my shoulder.
“I—yes—I’d love to see you.It! I’d love to seeitwith you.”
Talia chuckles, linking her arm through Ulya’s. At that moment, I swear I can see their souls connecting, and the look on Ulya’s face is that of someone in love. The two of them turn away, absorbed enough in each other that I’m instantly forgotten, but I don’t mind. Love is a wonderful thing—the best thing in the world.
Speaking of love, I notice with a smile that Prue and Zander are missing from the party—no doubt fully embracing their passion with the aid of my love potion. I’m hoping it does the trick for them.
Most people don’t understand what a love potion is primarily used for. Its true purpose, which I use with my clients, is to encourage strong emotions to manifest into an overwhelming desire. Love potions are not typically used to make an unsuspecting drinker fall in love with the one who made it. Indeed, a love potion can give the illusion of affection if administered incorrectly or infused with a piece of someone’sperson. If the maker’s blood, hair, or saliva were to find its way into the potion, it would become tainted and make the drinker fall in love with whoever's body part was inside.
That is why it is paramount that people seek out a trained love witch like myself to ensure that no contamination has occurred. Unrequited love potions are strictly forbidden; anyone caught making one will face intense punishment.