The deliciously tight grip of her pussy forces my climax. I slam into the globes of her ass and empty myself. My seed fills her. I watch her twitch atop my desk with aftershocks of pleasure. Pulling out, her leg slides to the floor, and I watch our mingling come dripping down her thighs.

Reaching for a discarded rag on my desk, I quickly clean her up and help her back into her skirt. She turns in my arms, pressing a kiss to my lips.

“Happy Lupercalia,” she says. “We should fuck in here more often.”

I chuckle and secure her cloak around her shoulders.

“Does sneaking around remind you of when we were first together?”

Darcee grins.

“I love playing that game with you. Nothing turns me on like when you're my disapproving, grumpy professor.”

I kiss my beautiful wife before taking her hand in mine. Leading her from the classroom, we pass through the courtyard. Mistress Saege and Head Mistress Raen wave at us. A few students stop us as we pass, asking for help with various assignments. The bonfires are all burning high as we make it through the clearing. We journey back to my cottage every night, but this evening feels different.

The moon glows brightly up ahead. Something dances in the air. Each time I look at Darcee, her smile is a little more secretive than usual. Once we stomp up the front steps of the cottage, we both shed our cloaks and bags. I drag her into my arms again, relieving her of her hat and running my fingers through her soft curls.

She giggles, her hands curling into my chest.

“Do you want your real Lupercalia gift now?”

“You’ve already given me more than enough today. Just like you do every day. You are everything to me.”

I kiss her lips, and when I pull back, I see tears gleaming in her eyes.

“Even as a love witch, the depth of our love still seems impossible.”

Laughing, I kiss her brow before walking towards the kitchen.

“Do you want some wine?” I call.

There is a pause before she answers.

“I can’t.”

Can’t? What does that mean?

It all clicks at once. My hands begin to tremble, and the blood rushes in my ears. I walk slowly back out to the den. Darcee is there—glowing in a way I hadn’t noticed before. Tears glide down her cheeks as she lets out a watery laugh.


“I’m pregnant, Bael.”

A howl echoes from my chest as I rush towards her. I take her in my arms, twirling her around in a circle. We decided to start a family a few months ago. It’s been more challenging than I thought for her to fall pregnant, and it isn’t for a lack of trying. I can’t keep my hands off of her. Saege had been giving her some fertility brews to help.

It would seem they’ve worked.

“Pregnant,” I repeat. “A baby.”

“Are you happy?” she asks.

“More than I ever thought possible.” My eyes scan the room, a new sense of fear threatening to sour this wonderful news. “This cottage is not fit for a child. Nor isthe Bog. We’ll have to move. Yes, we’ll?—”

Darcee silences me with a kiss. Her lips are soft on mine as she brings me back to my body.

“We don’t need to do anything right now.” Taking my hand, she leads me up to our bed. “It’s Lupercalia—I’m a love witch, so this is my favorite day of the year. I want to spend the rest of it in bed with my mate.”

Kissing her again, I nod.

Together, we shed our clothes until we are facing each other naked. My hand falls to her flat stomach, which will be growing soon. What will our child look like? Will it be male or female? It hardly matters to me as long as they and Darcee are healthy.

My heart is so full I could burst. Scooping her in my arms, she giggles as I deposit her in the center of the bed. I crawl between her spread thighs, the scent of her arousal already teasing my madness.

“I love you, Darcee.”

“I love you, too,” she says. Her small hand pumps my cock. “Now make love to me.”

Sliding into her, I can already feel her body on edge. I retreat my hips only to thrust in again deeper. Her legs slide further apart, welcoming me as she always does. My lips find hers, and swallow each of her delicious moans. This is how things will always be between us—perfect and all-consuming.

With each thrust into her, the bond between us solidifies. Our love is more powerful than any love potion.