His lips skim down my jaw, licking and biting as he goes. Pausing to tease the sensitive skin of my neck, my head falls back. Resting on the small coffee table is a box wrapped in purple velvet, tied with a matching ribbon.

“What’s that?” I sigh, needing to find some way to break the kiss before I let it go too far.

Bael glances over, and I watch the gray skin of his cheeks darken. Slowly—almost sheepishly—he walks towards the box. Lifting it in his hands, it rattles as he extends it towards me.

“Your graduation gift.”

My lips twist.

“I thought you had something else in mind.”

“Trust me, little witch, that’s still happening.” Ice forms over my heart at the heat in his gaze. “I wanted to give this to you first.”

I take the box from him, and its weight is surprising. Carefully, I unwrap the soft fabric. It is a wooden case with golden hinges. I unlock it and nearly drop it to the floor—a gasp echoes in the quiet room. Rows of glittering gold coins sparkle up at me in the candlelight.

Bael walks over, his gaze burning.

“This should help cover the rent of your apothecary for the next few years,” he explains in a rush.

“At least,” I whisper. “This—Bael—this is too much. I can’t accept it.”

“Please, Darcee. I have more than enough money.” His hand cups my cheek. “I know there are a million conversations we need to have about the future, but I want us to be together from this moment forward. Wherever you choose to be is where I’ll be, too. I’ve already given Axwyne my notice. My life is yours now—as is my money.”


I trail off, not knowing how to find the words.

“Don’t say anything,” he says, as if reading my thoughts. “I want you to be happy, Darcee. To be fulfilled in whatever way you want. You haven’t had an easy go of things, and I’d be honored to help provide at least some part of your dream.”

Oh, how I love this male. Goddess, I love him so much it burst from my heart and soul. He will always have me—no amount of time or distance will undo what has happened between us. Try as I might to protect my heart, I gave it to him from the first day.

I have to end this. Now.

Closing the box lid, I rise to kiss him.

“Thank you,” I say—never agreeing to take the money.

I set the box down on the table and reach into my bag. My hands graze over the smooth glass shape of the wine bottle and pull it out.

“We should celebrate with a drink.”

Bael nods. “I’ll get some glasses.”

I stop him with a hand on his arm.

“Allow me.”

Quickly, I shuffle into the kitchen and locate two wine glasses. I fish through my bag and find the small vial of antidote. I pour it into the left glass before uncorking the winebottle. The dark liquid should conceal the potion. Taking a deep, shuddering breath, I return to the room.

My body goes numb, and I plaster a fake smile on my face. I hand him his tainted glass, and we clink them together cheerfully. Taking a smile sip, he wrinkles his nose.

“Bitter,” he says.

I need him to drink all of it to ensure it works. The air around us shifts as his hand goes to my waist—his warmth seeps through the thin material of my pink dress. I go into myself, preparing for one final performance and hoping to make it through without shattering.

“I liked how you kissed me in front of everyone,” he purrs.

“What can I say? I’m full of surprises.”