“Darcella Thistle!” announces the Head Mistress.
With a smile—and walking slowly so as not to break my neck in my pink heels—I cross the graduation stage. The wide brim of my witch’s hat shades my eyes from the evening sun. Mistress Saege holds out my wand and protective case, which I accept with my diploma, proclaiming me an Axwyne School of Magic graduate.
She quickly hugs me before the next name is called, and I’m passed down the line. Shaking hands with each staff member, my palm tingles when my eyes meet a familiar violet pair. Bael is beaming with pride. I quickly move down to the next professor lest I burst into tears in the middle of the congratulation line.
The promise of tonight burns like an inferno between us. One that will be extinguished soon enough.
My parents had not shown up, and I’m finally okay with never seeing them again. After I confessed to Bael, I’ve been considering talking to someone regularly about what I went through. I’m tired of being afraid of my past. Everything I endured under the cruel hands of my father made me think Bael could be just like him.
Now I know that couldn't be farther from the truth.
The rest of the ceremony moves quickly. A large bonfire is lit in celebration, and we all toss our pointed hats into the air. Fireworks light up the sky as sweet-smelling smoke billows around us. The sun is already lowering by the time I make it out of the crowd.
I spy a familiar dark head and embrace my best friend. She looks gorgeous in her black dress with blue beading. We grip each other tightly, shaking with tears and excitement.
Pulling back, I blink away the moisture in my eyes.
“How are we gonna go from seeing each other every day to everyotherday?” I ask.
Prue laughs. She’d told me shortly before the ceremony that Zander and she were getting a place near me in the next town over. He would be an apprentice at the local library while she worked under the local charms master.
“Somehow, we’ll manage.”
Her parents appear and hug us both. Her mother is just an older version of Prue, while her father has a short, stocky build and a thick white beard. His laugh is booming as he embraces me.
“Congratulations, girls!” he cheers. “Now, Prueitt Starlow, it’s time you introduce us to this boyfriend of yours.”
I laugh at her jovial father, trying his best to look stern. Prue also chuckles before leading them away and waving goodbye to me over her shoulder. My heart lifts—delighted that my friend has found her happy ending. I watch them go, my heels sinking into the soft grass below me. A lone breeze picks up around me, tugging at the slit hem of my short dress.
A familiar presence presses against my side. Taking a deep breath, I turn and find Bael behind me. The setting sun casts his face in harsh shadows. He’s standing too close to me, but that matters little now. A million thoughts race through my head asI stare up at him. With today's excitement, putting this evening out of my mind has been easy. The bag on my shoulder feels heavy, with the antidote resting inside.
“Congratulations,” he whispers.
I will the tears not to form in my eyes as I stare up at him. Heat races up my neck, and my throat feels tight. Bael merely leans down, his lips finally finding my ear.
“Are you ready for your gift?”
I smile as he pulls back from me.
“I’ve been waiting my whole life for it.”
Bael chuckles, his eyes glancing around the crowded lawn.
“This party has far too many people. I want you all to myself.”
Heat swims in my cheeks as I glance around as well. Something tickles my neck, and I turn to the side. My eyes meet those of Romina. Her gaze is narrowed, having witnessed Bael and I’s interaction. It’s a juvenile thing to do, but I feel my lips pull into a smirk anyway.
Turning back to him, I push up on my toes and bring our mouths together. He sighs against my lips, his hand splaying against my back and dragging me closer. We part for air, and my eyes find Romina’s again. Her face is a picture of quiet furry. If looks could kill, I’d drop dead in an instant.
Taking Bael’s hand in mine, I forget all about her and grin up at him.
“I was thinking the same thing.”
Bael leads me out of the courtyard and towards his cottage. The overgrown woods are easy to navigate, with him leading me—even in heels. The terrain remains flat, and he holds the branches I need to duck under. The sun has fully set, and a large blue moon glows above his cottage. The woods are quiet tonight as we get to his home and enter through the front door.
I can imagine myself walking home with him every night. We’d dine together and make love upstairs until exhaustionclaimed us. Then we’d go to work and start the evening ritual again. The image is so vivid it’s like I’ve lived it.
The door clicks shut behind us, and Bael moves quickly. His lips find mine again. The desperation in his kiss tells me the waiting has been just as painful for him. He molds me to him, my stomach pressing against his hard cock. I groan into his mouth, my hands sliding into his silky hair. I commit every detail to memory, knowing this will be the last time I feel his lips on mine.