Bael silences me with a kiss.

“I would gladly take you back to my cottage and make love to you all night. Never doubt the depth of my devotion to you. It’s why I wanted to court you properly—to make sure you are certain. If you allow me to claim you, our lives will become one.” His smile is breathtaking. “If you require more time, I will gladly wait. And if you are never ready, that is okay too.”

“But you want me?”

“More than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life.”

His hand cups my cheek.

And there it is, the clear line in the sand. The line I will never cross. Taking that next step with him could never be undone. I’m glad he stopped me all those times I reached to pleasure him. If we had taken it too far, and he had bound himself to me only to wake from the potion's stupor and realize what he’d done, I’d never forgive myself.

No, that is one thing I cannot take from him. While I’d love to give myself to him and live our lives together, I cannot. I should slide off his lap and tell him this was all a mistake. I’ll take my failing grade and find some way not to have to repeat the class and delay my graduation hopes. Or better yet, I should confess to what I’ve done, give him an antidote, and accept the consequences.

Yet, I look at the hope in his eyes, I know doing either of those things would crush him right now. As much as it sickens me to do so, I know what I have to say. How much worse can another lie make things?

“After graduation,” I say.

Bael lowers his brows, and I press a kiss to it.

“After graduation—when we no longer have to hide and you’re no longer my teacher—we will—I will—become yours.”

His smile is beautiful enough to break my heart.

“It’s perfect,” he says. “You, Darcee, are so perfect.”

I blush, my giggle all too real.

“It can be your graduation present to me.”

He helps me to my feet and collects my belongings as we enter the main room. The door to the room unlocks, and the sound triggers a memory.

“What did Romina want yesterday?”

Bael shrugs. “For me to sign off on a few teaching aids. Why do you ask?”

“No reason,” I say. “You know she likes you, right? Surely, you’ve noticed. She’s all the subtlety of an angered snake.”

The High Warlock chokes on a laugh.

“I hardly notice anything about Romina. I only have eyes for you.”

My lips pull up at the side.

“Good answer,” I say, pulling him down for one last parting kiss.

His hand lands on my backside and pulls me deeper into him. I moan in surprise, letting our tongues tangle. We savor each other as the evening bell chimes. Reluctantly, we pull apart. His thumb traces my swollen lips.

“Possessive little thing you are.”

I am when I have no right to be.

“Are you coming to my room tonight?” I ask.

I should tell him not to, but I’m not that strong.

“If you’d like me to. I promise to be on my best behavior.”

Shaking my head, I smile as I walk towards the door.