Perhaps buried beneath all that disdain was a kernel of my true feelings. I had always wanted to impress him. Other professors had dismissed me, but Bael’s cut deeper for some reason. His assertion that I wasn’t taking the course seriously ruffled me and spurned me to try harder, even if it was to no avail.

His eyes scan the room, connecting with mine for a moment before moving on. Awareness spreads throughout my body, tingling in my fingers. The heat in his gaze makes it easy to forget this isn’t real. While my emotions are genuine, his will begin to wane this week. They have to. Until then, heavy petting and constant flirting will have to suffice.

After that, I’ll be gone and never see him again. All of this will fade into an unpleasant memory for him, and he’ll be none the wiser about how it came about in the first place.

Opening a leatherbound textbook on his desk, he reads off a passage in a deep voice. Goddess, he is handsome. I can admit that now—though some part of me has always thought so. The fullness of his lips was in sharp contrast to the harshness of his jaw. His purple eyes glowed under dark, arched eyebrows. Pointed ears poked out from beneath his swath of black hair.

Even without his gray skin, no one would ever consider Bael human. The depth in his gaze and the way he moves with predatory grace indicates he is not of this world. Those eyes fixate on mine again, and a fresh flush breaks across my cheeks. I have to rub my thighs together and soothe the dull ache there. His lips twitch as if he knows, but he merely continues reading, his words never faltering.

If I am becoming his madness, he is undoubtedly already mine. I’ve never felt this desire before. If he doesn’t touch meagain, soon I’ll perish. It was never like this with Marius—or any of the others I had dabblings with over the years. Part of this could be due to the dry spell I’ve been having. How long has it been since I last had sex? A year, maybe longer.

I hadn’t noticed the time between now and my last tryst with a fourth-year charms student. It seems my body knows it hasn’t found release at the hands of another in some time. All that pent-up desire flows through me unencumbered, demanding I submit. I should find another for a quick romp, but the thought of anyone besides Bael repulses me.

It is futile, seeing as I can never have him in that way—especially not now.

Therefore, I will deny myself. For a moment, I wondered if we could try again once the potion was out of his system. The thought is pointless—when Bael shakes off this stupor, he’ll never wish to see me again. If he does, it will only be to punish me.

The bell rings and cuts through my inappropriate thoughts. All at once, the students around me begin moving, writing down the mountain of spellwork Bael has assigned for the evening. Prue slips her belongings into her bag at my side and looks at me expectantly.

“Zander is going to help me get caught up on the class I missed last week. You wanna join?”

I hope my grin is convincing.

“I can’t. Ba—The High Warlock is?—”

I’m spared from answering further when Zander appears. His skin has once again returned to its healthy glow. The darkness under his eyes is barely a whispered smudge.

“Ready to go?” he asks Prue, nodding down at me in greeting.

“Sure,” she says, eyeing me momentarily before slinging her bag over her shoulder. “See you later, Dar.”

They both leave with the remaining stranglers. Awareness prickles my skin as I watch the last student slip out the door. The air around me is stifling, and every sense in my body is heightened. I turn towards the front of the room, where Bael leans against his large wooden desk. His arms are casually crossed over his chest, and his long leg is tucked over the other.

We stare at each other for several moments, saying nothing and everything simultaneously. It is intoxicating to be looked at this way—like I am the center of his world. My legs clench together once more. The bare skin of my thighs is highly sensitive.

Once more, the side of his mouth kicks up as he waves a hand. The door to the room locks with finality. I remain rooted to my chair as he prowls closer. His graceful movements cause my heart to pound.

“We shouldn’t have any interruptions,” he says. His voice is soft and rough at the same time.

“Good.” I swallow loudly.

His booted feet gently click along the wooden floor as he walks closer to me. The scent of smoke and earth invades my lungs and worsens my ache. When he reaches my desk, his palms fall to the smooth surface on either side of me. Our position mirrors how we were in Mistress Saege’s class. I stare up at him, taking in his formidable figure.

The top button of his shirt has come undone, revealing more of his muscular gray skin. It is unmarred and seems impossibly soft. I’d love to trace the opening with my fingers—my tongue. Bael breathes heavily, his face lowering closer to mine. Our mouths are mere inches apart. To kiss him would be dangerous, and yet I feel my mouth tipping up higher to do just that.

“Do you,” Bael pauses, swallowing loudly, “have any idea how beautiful you are?”

The words caress me—my mouth parts with a soft sigh.

“Do you know how hard it is for me?” he continues. “To sit up there and teach a lesson when you are sitting here tempting me.”

“Bael,” I whisper, licking my lips.

“Is it wrong that I’ve wanted you like this countless times? I’ve been close—so close—to dismissing everyone but you so I could have you all to myself.”

I inhale sharply at his confession. His eyes burn brighter—madness threading through his purple irises.

“Does the knowledge of my desire frighten you, little witch?”