“You have exceptional skill, Darcee. A seasoned professor like myself should’ve noticed that sooner and offered assistance.” His hand squeezes mine. “I apologize for failing you.”
My mouth feels dry. Never in my life would I have expected this—for Bael to acknowledge what I always thought was the case in this class. Prue may have been right; if I had come to him, he would’ve made this discovery earlier, and I would never have been in this position. Even without the love potion, I can see the male he is under the surface. His gruff nature is due to what Mistress Saege said. These potions are serious.
Necromancy is dark magic, and it takes a particular type of warlock to master it the way he has. Yet that doesn’t mean he lacks total compassion. I’m a testament to that. My smile at him is genuine as I step closer and keep my voice low.
“You’re going to help me now, though. Right?” I blink up at him. “If your tutoring offer still stands, I would very much like to accept it.”
Biting my lip, I can’t believe what I’m about to do. I don’t give myself a moment to reconsider and lose my nerve.
Slipping my hand from underneath, I drag my hand along the top of his. He inhales sharply as our bodies drift closer. Looking up at him through my lashes, my smile takes on a more sensual edge.
“Among other things,” I add breathily.
I have to lean into this for now. A little flirting on my part will keep the potion stable. If he senses me pulling away, it could intensify and prolong the effects, which we both cannot risk.
Additionally, once the potion is over, if he remembers me being into this, perhaps he’ll be kind enough not to press the issue or seek me out again.
His eyes darken as he nods.
“Everything I offered you is still very much on the table.”
“Good,” I say, reaching across him to pick up a pair of tongs.
Our bodies brush, and the heat of his burns through my clothes. I stay partially bent over the table and look up at him as I pluck a mummified figure from the end of the table.
“This goes in next?” I ask.
Bael nods, his fingers curling into the desktop. Rising to my full height, I allow our hips to brush as I drop the dead finger into the boiling cauldron. Bael hisses beside me, and I can’t suppress my giggle. It’s awful to admit, but I’m enjoying myself. I haven’t had anyone to seduce in a long time. I should relish this while I can.
Reaching to stir the potion, I notice the tremble in his hand. Another soft giggle bubbles out of me, and his eyes dart to mine. His lips pull into a very un-Bael-like grin. If only he had been like this all the time, maybe then?—
I shake myself, refusing even to consider it. This isn’t real.
“What’s next?” I ask softly.
“That depends,” he says.
“If I want to be a good male and finish this potion with you before assigning you all four hours of take-home spellwork.”
My hand falls to my chest in mock outrage.
“Spellwork over the weekend? Don’t be so cruel.” I lean in closer, dropping my voice into the softest sigh. “What is the other option?”
“That I dismiss class now, bend you over this table, and see how pink you are everywhere.”
A soft sigh leaves me, and I nearly fall against him. The mouth on this warlock causes me to heat in places I haven’t in a long time. My hand slides slowly towards him before slipping under the fabric of his silk shirt. The fine muscles of his back play against my fingers.
You would think I was the one who ingested a love potion the way I’m acting. It’s as if my body has a mind of its own. I once more feel like a puppet on the string, and the one controlling me is fueled by depraved desire.
“Those are quite the choices, High Warlock,” I sigh. “Might I suggest we?—”
I don’t get the chance to finish as a flurry of movement catches my attention. Two students are walking towards us, and I reluctantly slide my hand and body away. Goddess, I’m losing it. I need to be more careful.
The last thing I need is for someone to discover what is happening between us and ask questions. No one would believeBael suddenly felt this way towards me, and my mistake would indeed be discovered.
Luckily, the two students don’t seem to notice anything, and Bael inspects their potion quickly. After them, two more students appear, and on and on until the bell signaling the end of class chimes.