“I know. I found it under one of the tables in Mistress Saege’s room. It must’ve blown off after I left. I only realized the mistake when I collected my sleeping dram this morning.”

Prue nods, setting down her glass of water.

“The potions looked so similar, I thought I knew which was the right one. We were both excited to take it, and I just guessed.” Her hand tightens in mine. “I shouldn’t have done that. I was careless, Darcee. I should’ve waited and asked you which was the correct one. Can you ever forgive me?”

A surprised rasp leaves me. I stand and settle myself on the cot beside her.

“Only if you forgive me for being such a careless witch. I ruined your night with Zander.”

“Actually, I had a pretty incredible dream about him.”

“Oh?” I ask, wiggling my eyebrows. “Do tell.”

“Later,” she says with a grin.

Her thin arms wrap around me, and we hug. I inhale her lavender scent and let it ground me. This will be over soon—a week at most, and things will return to normal.

“What happened to it?” Prue asks as we pull apart.

“To what?”

“The love potion you made for us. Once Zander and I have recovered, I thought we could try retaking it.”

Waving a dismissive hand, I try to keep my voice neutral.

“It had gone off during the night. I’ll make you two a fresh one. And personally deliver it this time.”

Prue chuckles, settling back against the pillows.

“You’re the best, Darcee.” A yawn sneaks up on her. “This sleeping potion is no joke. How bad is your sleep schedule to need such a thing?”

I laugh even if it sounds brittle to my ears.

“I only take a sip each night. Not the whole bottle.”

“Right,” Prue says, the word fading as her eyes begin to close.

Leaning down, I press a kiss to her smooth brow.

“Sleep,” I whisper. “I’ll check on you later.”

Prue is already asleep as I collect my things and hear the bell signaling the start of the school day. Excited voices filter in from the halls. I turn to walk out of the infirmary and leave my slumbering friend behind.

I don’t know how I’m going to focus. All my thoughts are of Bael as I walk through the hall.Three weeks, I think.Three weeks until graduation, and you’ll never see him again.

At least, that’s what I tell myself.



The hours have been tortuously long.

Each lecture had gone on and on until the seventh bell chimed. The primal part of him stirred, knowing he would get another glimpse of her. It had called him a fool for not claiming her in here when they had been alone. He had to remind himself that he wasn’t a beast and that she deserved to be courted properly.

That is if she was willing to give him a chance.

The familiar faces of his introductory necromancy course file in, each seeking his validation, but he pays them little attention. He is waiting for her arrival.