The burnt remnants of my good luck spells still lay in ash on my desk. I poured everything into undoing my mistake until exhaustion forced me into bed. I dress solemnly for the occasion, donning a white collar shirt and black skirt before tying my cloak around my neck.
Scraping my hair back into a high ponytail, I grab my books and exit my room. Hardly anyone is stirring this early, especiallyafter last night's party. Most are indeed already nursing a rough hangover. I wish a sore head was the only thing plaguing me this morning.
The scent of fresh grass and misty morning air filter in through the open windows. My heeled boots clack along the stone floor. The eerie silence leaves me with nothing else to do but think.
After learning about what he did for Mistress Saege, I see the High Warlock in a different light. While he may have disdain for me, I can understand it to an extent. The subject he teaches is dangerous, and my lack of understanding is cause for concern. Buried beneath the disapproval, is there a part of him worrying about my safety?
I may be cutting him too much slack in that case. Still, I can admit what I did was rash and ill-advised. My temper was flaring hot yesterday, and I made an angry judgment call. If I want to be a good witch, I cannot allow my emotions to override my common sense like that.
I thought this final year would be my chance to start a new chapter. After graduation, I would open my apothecary and never look back again. It would be the final cutting of a cord I’ve still been hanging on to. Now, I fear I’ve ruined whatever fresh start I could’ve had before it even began.
I could kick myself for being such a fool.
The journey to the tower was quick due to the lack of foot traffic. The door before me looms, the last barrier before I face what I’ve done. When he doesn’t show, what shall I do? Raise the alarm? Continue as I would before and never own up to my actions?
Warmth licks over the side of my face as the morning sun rises—streaks of gold and pink filter in through the stained glass window. With a deep sigh, I grip the door handle and pull it. The metal groans and echoes up the stairwell after me.
Pushing into the room, I take in the stillness. No one is here, and the room is cloaked in shadow. The last tendrils of hope leave me, and I collapse against the nearest worktable. My throat closes, and tears seep from my eyes. I was close to getting everything I wanted, but now I’ve ruined it.
I have to confess.
I’ll find Mistress Saege and tell her. My punishment will be swift. I can kiss my future apothecary goodbye and any hopes of bringing more lovers together. A fresh sob falls from my lips, and I almost collapse to the floor.
Why hadn’t I tried another path? Why did I even think?—
The door behind me creaks open, and I nearly jump out of my skin. I whirl around, my eyes falling on the male who’s just walked in. His eyes—violet eyes I never thought I’d see again—are bloodshot with dark shadows under them. He’s dressed in black satin pants and a matching shirt. His cape drags behind him like spilled ink.
“You’re here,” he whispers.
I nearly sag with relief at the sound of his deep voice. He didn’t take it. Merciful Goddess. She heard my prayers and took pity on me. The High Warlock takes a tentative step forward. His eyes are wild, as if he were seeing me for the first time. He’s probably thrown off by how happy I am to see him.
“Detention,” I say, my voice cracking on the last word.
His eyes widen as he stares at me intently. The High Warlock traces along the tears drying on my cheeks. I try to stand even though my knees still feel weak.
“You were crying. Why?” he asks sharply.
I shake my head, a laugh bubbling out of me.
“They’re tears of joy.”
The side of his mouth kicks up, and I’m happy that the desk supports me. A smile from the High Warlock is shocking enough to send me staggering to the floor.
“Joy, is what you feel spending a morning’s detention with me?”
I nod. “Believe me, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be.”
His eyes flash, and he sucks in a breath. Slowly, he approaches, his earthy scent tickling my nose. I lean back against the desk. My head tilts up to keep his gaze. His eyes dip down to my lips momentarily, and I watch his hands fall to either side of me.
“I feel the same,” he whispers.
Our bodies are so close, and I’m nothing if not confused. This is unexpected. I’m feeling a little off-kilter because I expected to find him in a sleep meant to last a decade. Therefore, my brain is slow to catch up to the fact that the High Warlock is very close.
And is looking at me like he wants to devour me whole.
His face looms close to mine. My eyelashes flutter at the heat I can feel pouring from his body. I’m shocked by how pleasant I find it. I’m now drifting closer towards this male that I've spent weeks loathing. Yesterday, I wanted him out of my life forever. Now, my face is tilting up towards his.
His nostrils flare, and his eyes blaze deeper.