“I love you,” I said when I was finally able to speak, glad that we’d said it earlier so I could freely say it again and again.
Each time our bodies found one another’s again was better than the time before. When we came together in the bath, it was with Alice straddling me, taking her pleasure. I stilled her with my hands on her waist. “Wait,” I said, attempting to control my breathing.
“Condom.” We’d gone through several through the night, but I hadn’t thought to bring any into the bathroom.
She remained still but didn’t lift herself off me. “Pershing, I need to ask you something.”
I clenched my eyes closed, willing back the orgasm I felt right on the edge of. “Okay,” I groaned.
“Do you want to marry me?”
I stared up at her, loving her all the more for her ability to just say what was on her mind. “More than anything.”
“What about kids?” she asked.
“Alice, your pussy is squeezing my penis like a vice, and you want to talk about whether or not I want kids?”
Alice nodded.
“Okay. Yes. A houseful. What about you?”
“I think we should start with one, but I definitely want more.”
I clenched my teeth like I had my eyes. “Good, now that we’ve settled—wait, what are you doing?” I said when she lowered herself on me again.
“Starting our family. I think we should keep starting it as often as possible.”
I nodded, unable to speak, knowing that at any moment, I would spill inside her like I’d never done with any other woman.
“I guess I should ask if you’re okay with that.”
I put both hands on her hips and thrust my body hard into her. She clung to me as I pistoned deeper and deeper until our eyes met, and we both cried out together like we had each time we made love.
Later, when we lay in bed, holding each other and drifting in and out of sleep, Alice raised her head and put her hand on my cheek. “I’m so glad I waited for you, Pershing. I guess I could be wrong, but it feels like our bodies were made to fit together. You know, like puzzle pieces.”
“You aren’t wrong, Alice. You’re perfect. We’re perfect.”
She lowered her head to my chest, then raised it again. “So, there are some yoga poses I think we should try out.”
“Now?” I asked, unsure I could move my muscles enough to actually get out of bed.
She shook her head. “Maybe at sunrise.”
“Yes. Sunrise.”
“I love you, G-man.”
“And I love you, Cheshire. Sage. Whatever your name is.”
I grabbed her wrist when she reached up and tweaked my nipple, and we both laughed.
No way, no how, could life ever be better than this.