Page 61 of Code Name: Admiral

He grinned. “Want company?”

“I don’t think it would be safe for me to be in there alone.”


“It’s so big I might drown.”

“Then, Alice, as the man who’s vowed to protect and care for you, I have no option but to join you.”

His words took my breath away. “Really?”

He scooted me back into the room and shut the door behind us. “I know this will sound crazy, but…”

I put my finger on his lips. “It doesn’t.”

“You don’t know what I was going to say.”

“Yeah, I do, and I could say it too, but now isn’t the right time.”

He nodded once. “Come on. Let’s go get your tea, my coffee, grab a couple of Bryar’s burritos, and have breakfast in bed.”

“God, that sounds heavenly.”

Pershing’s eyes flared, and he looked up at the ceiling.


“I was just thinking what would make it more so, but…”

“Now isn’t the right time.”

“We’ll get there, Alice. As soon as we figure out who this mole is…”

“And bring down the Castellanos.”

He nodded. “Then you and I are going to disappear…”

“Something I’m quite good at.”

“And spend days on end making love.”

“Pershing, I…”

“I promise I won’t rush you.”

“It isn’t that. I’m not sure how I’ll be able to wait that long.”

He pulled my body flush with his. “Me either.”



“The way Tank’s hovering near those burritos, we better grab them fast,” I joked when Alice and I went into the kitchen and saw him standing at the counter, eating.

“Have at ’em,” he said, moving out of our way but grabbing one more before leaving the kitchen.

We loaded up plates, made coffee and tea, then returned to the bedroom where I watched Alice savor each bite.