Page 41 of Code Name: Admiral

“Nothing yet,” Alice answered. “They’re probably busy trying to figure out why their system is buggy all of a sudden.” She winked.

I raised a brow. “What are you up to?”

She glanced up at me and smiled. “The Castellanos aren’t the only ones who can plant false intelligence. Let’s see how they like chasing shadows.”

“Be careful,” I warned. “We don’t want to force their hand.”

“Trust me.” Her fingers flew faster. “By the time I’m done, they’ll be looking everywhere except here.”

Diesel cleared his throat. “Doc’s asking for an update on what you need long-term.”

“Tell him we’re setting up for an extended operation,” I responded. “This isn’t something we can rush.”

“Roger that. I’ll have Tank coordinate with the advance team on rotating security details.”

After he left, Alice leaned against her chair. “Sarah left breadcrumbs,” she said quietly. “All this time, I thought she was just my somewhat flaky big sister, but she was leaving a trail. For me.”

“She knew you’d find it.”

“But why not just tell me?”

“Maybe she planned to once she knew who the mole was.”

“This was her insurance policy in case they came after her, so all her work wasn’t in vain.”

“Let’s make sure it wasn’t. In order to do that, we need to build the case slowly, make it airtight. No loopholes.”

“Together?” she asked.

“Always together, Alice.” I stood and pulled her into my arms.

“Look, it’s snowing,” she said, pointing to the window. “It looks so much prettier here than it does at home.”

I thought about that for a minute. Alice’s home was the city. The place where the Castellanos were plotting their next move.

The longing I felt earlier, to hide away with Alice, to keep the world at bay, shamed me. I was not that man. I’d never been. For as long as I could remember, I’d been bound by a sense of duty I’d never once turned my back on. And never before had I felt the level of responsibility I did now, today.

I would lay down my life for Alice Gordon, to keep her safe, protected, and alive. When we came out the other side of this, as I knew deep in my soul we would, I’d ask her to spend her life with me, to be my partner, my friend, my lover, and my wife. Would she agree? Could she ever love me the way I already loved her?

“What are you thinking about?” she whispered.

“You. Always you.”



“Sounds like Bryar is here,” said Pershing.Pershing.The name didn’t seem to fit him. Neither did Admiral, at least not to me.

“I need to find something else to call you.”

His brow furrowed.

“Uh, sorry, that came out harsher than I intended. Please remember my people skills don’t get utilized very often.”

He chuckled. “I wasn’t offended.”

“While others may see you as Admiral, you’re someone different to me.”