“I’ve been running a pattern analysis on FBI communications over the past five years.”
She pulled up what looked like a complex web of data points, each one representing a communication pathway. “The red nodes are confirmed connections to Castellano holdings or shell companies. The blue are bureau operations that were compromised.”
My chest tightened as I realized the implications of what she said, combined with what I was looking at.
“Every time the bureau got close to an indictment, there was a disconnect.” Her fingers danced across the keys, expanding the timeline. “This goes back almost seven years. I could keep going if you want me to.”
“What’s your gut telling you?” I asked.
“That it goes back far longer.”
“Then, yes.”
She nodded and got back to work, and I noticed Tank motioning to me.
“What’s up?” I asked, joining him in the kitchen.
“I wanted you to know I tracked Grit on his way up here.”
“Good thinking.”
“He rented a car at the Albany airport after flying in from the city. I expect that’s how he’ll get back.”
“Copy that.”
“I’m tracking the five guys he sent as backup too.”
“Keep me posted if anything suspicious turns up with them.”
“Will do, boss.” He scratched his chin. “I’ve been thinking about something.”
“What’s that?”
“Why didn’t Sarah bring Alice in a long time ago? I mean, with her skills, she could’ve taken those fuckers down before…” His voice trailed off, but I knew what he meant.
“I don’t know, Tank, except to say, maybe she was protecting her.”
“Make sense.”
I thought about the letter she’d left and wondered if Alice had read it yet. Maybe there was a clue as to why Sarah hadn’t wanted her sister involved.
“Hear that?” Tank asked.
“Incoming,” I said as the distinctive thump grew louder.
He and I went out to the porch and watched the helicopter land in an open field on my property. Six people jumped out, then the chopper spun up again and flew away.
“Do you know this team?” I asked Tank.
“I’m Admiral Kane,” I said when the six reached the porch.
“Hey, guys,” said Diesel, walking up behind them. “Thanks for getting here so quickly. The others are on their way. As soon as they arrive, I’ll brief you on where we’re at.”
“Come on in,” I said, motioning everyone to follow.