Page 36 of Code Name: Admiral

“Hold on a sec,” said Doc. “Who killed Bobby?”

“According to Tank, Vito Tarese. Working theory is Vincent Castellano called the hit.”

“The Ghost? Interesting,” I heard him mutter under his breath.

“So you need backup,” said Merrigan. “How much?”

“Grit arranged backup from five bureau agents. Given our suspicions, I’d like to release them. And, in answer to your question, as many as you can spare.”

“How soon?” Doc asked.

“As soon as possible. As you know, Alice Gordon is here, and she’s making progress tracking the source of the leaks. But if whoever it is realizes we’re onto them…”

“Understood. Diesel will coordinate with the team currently in the vicinity. While he’s doing that, we’ll get another crew on their way. Give me an hour.”

My eyes widened. “Seriously? That soon?”

“We’ve got an investigation in progress not far from where you are. I’ll arrange helicopter transport.”

“I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Thank you.”

“You got it,” said Doc. “And when this is over, you let us know if you’re serious about joining the K19 family. If you decide you’re not ready, we won’t hold you to it.”

“There’s something else I need to ask you about.”


“Why were you so willing to loan Tank and Blackjack to the bureau?”

“We received similar intel from the DOJ, Admiral.”

“I guess it makes sense that you wouldn’t inform me.” I shook my head. “Sorry, that was out of line.”

“Until today, neither Tank nor Blackjack knew exactly why they were there other than to aid in the investigation into Sarah Gordon’s death. If at any time we believed you needed to know about a potential mole, you and they would’ve been read in.”

It made sense, considering I worked for the bureau and not K19. “Do you have any suspects?”

“Not yet. The intel is new. The potential list, however, isn’t that long.”

Something else occurred to me. “Has the DOJ considered it might be within their ranks?”

Doc chuckled. “Our mandate was to find a potential leak within the bureau. However, you should know better than to think we’d stop there.”

“Senate intelligence should be considered as well.”

“I know Doc said we wouldn’t put pressure on you to leave the FBI and partner with K19, but, Admiral, I’ll be more forthright. You belong with us,” said Merrigan.

“I appreciate it, and believe me, I’m strongly considering it.”

“What about Ms. Gordon?” she asked.

“Alice would be more of an asset than I would.”

“It isn’t either or, Pershing. To be frank, we want you both.”

“Again, I appreciate it.”

“Keep us briefed,” said Doc.