Page 86 of Rescued Duty

He hadn’t intended to hurt her, and she believed him.

Naya pumped the liquid foundation onto a sponge and blended it into her face.

He didn’t want her to continue pursuing leads for the story. But he’d told her how he’d gone back for that bracelet. He hadn’t given up on what mattered most, and she wouldn’t either. Which was exactly why she couldn’t drop this story until she found out what was really happening with Ethos and the Green Warriors.

She zipped up her makeup bag and let out a sigh.

Ingram had pleaded with her through watery eyes last night to let the story go.God sees what’s going on. He won’t let justice be lost on this. He won’t turn a blind eye to this forever.

But she needed to focus on what was most important. Truth. Justice. Healing. Not just for herself, Ingram, or Zack, but for everyone involved in this case. These people and their families deserved to know they mattered. That a blind eye wouldn’t be turned to their situation.

Lord, I need You to direct my steps. Reveal the truth. Show me what I can do to shine light on the situation.

Naya changed into khakis and a patterned blouse, then made her way to the kitchen. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with water. A box of honey oat granola sat in the corner, and she poured herself a bowl, mixing it with some almond milk.

“How’d you sleep?”

Naya turned around at Ingram’s question and did her best not to reveal her shock at her friend’s appearance. Ingram had her hair in a messy bun, although that was an understatement. The ponytail barely kept the locks in place, and flyaways stuck out in every direction. Black streaks sat just above her cheeks from leftover mascara that hadn’t been wiped clean. Her sweatpants and T-shirt told Naya she wasn’t about to make an appearance to the world today.

“Coco kept me company.” Naya ate a spoonful of cereal.

“I’m glad.” Ingram offered a half smile. “I called off work today, even though everyone is working remotely while they clean up the building.” She slid onto a barstool next to Naya and propped her elbows on the counter.

“Want me to stay here?” Naya’s friend was more of a verbal processor, and all the introspection on top of being home alone might compound the distress she was in. “I can work remotely.”

“No, I’ll be fine.” She waved her hand. “What are you going to do today?”

Naya opened her mouth, then realized what Ingram was asking. She didn’t want to knowifshe was working today but ratherwhatshe was working on.

“I really want to see this story through, Grams.” She took another bite of granola. The crunch drowned out the turmoil in her mind over what to do.

“I appreciate you wanting to stick up for me with Will, but the police should be the ones to handle the case.”

“And they are,” Naya affirmed.

“Then find another story to write. One with less stakes. Maybe a happier one.”

“What will happen to whoever has caused all this havoc? They killed Will. They might even be responsible for Zack’sparents’ deaths. So we just let them walk free without exposing the truth?”

“Will’s dead, Naya. And I’m left to pick up the pieces of a broken heart.” Ingram pinched the bridge of her nose. “You don’t have to write every story that comes your way. Not when you could lose so much. You’ve got Zack. He cares about you. I don’t want to see you throw it away.” She swatted at a tear.

Naya swirled her spoon in leftover milk.

“You don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, Nay. You’re you because of who you are, not what you have to offer to anyone.” Ingram went over to the fridge and poured a glass of orange juice before returning to her seat.

Did Ingram realize what she was saying? What Zack was asking of her?

“I could care less about the promotion.” She dropped her spoon in the bowl with a clank. What she’d done to build her career didn’t matter. “It’s so much more than that now. A man is dead, and lives have been threatened.” Naya cleared her throat. “I need to head into the office.”

She rinsed her bowl and put it in the dishwasher. “I love you, Grams.” She hugged her friend. “A shower might also do you some good. Add a fresh smell to the room.”

Ingram pinched her lips. “So you can say you love me and tell me what to do to move on with my life, but you won’t take advice from those who love you?”

Naya grabbed her purse and a light jacket.

“You lost your family once, Naya. You really want to risk losing those who’ve become your family again?”

Naya bit her lip. That’s why she was pursuing this story. She loved them enough she wanted them all to have closure so they could move on with life. Without a killer on the streets wreaking havoc. “I’ll be back after work.” Naya got in her car and drove off.