“I made a promise. I guess I hoped at some point our paths would cross again.” He’d been about ready to give up when he’d spotted her in the water after the bridge collapse.
“So why didn’t you reach out?”
Zack shrugged. “I figured you were better off without me.”
“I see.” She swallowed. “Can you hold on to it for a little longer?”
She shouldn’t feel sorry for her answer. He didn’t want to force her to feel a certain way.
He rewound the two cords and slid it back on his wrist. He’d hold on to it for as long as she wanted. Maybe one day he’d earn her trust back, and she’d be able to see the lengths he’d go to stick by her side.
“Zack.” His name was a whisper on her lips. “None of that was your fault. You did a noble thing, even if it didn’t go asplanned.” She sucked in a breath. “I’m sorry for what I believed about you.”
“You had every right to be upset.”
“Given my track record with men and them playing the great vanishing act, it’s been hard to trust and depend on anyone.” She shook her head. “I should have given you the benefit of the doubt. Regardless, it wasn’t an excuse to hold a grudge. No matter whose fault it was, my attitude was still a sinful choice on my part.”
“You’re forgiven.” Zack smiled. “I care about you, Nay. I want what’s best for you.”
Whatever the future held for them, he wanted her to know she had a friend in him. Although, he hoped he’d become more than that. Someone she could turn to.
He couldn’t promise he’d be perfect. More mistakes were bound to happen. But he prayed that even in his failings, he could point her to the One who would never leave her side or hurt her.
“Thanks. I’m grateful for you too, Zack.”
He could hear thebutready to come.
“I need some time to process everything.” She rubbed her eyes, then straightened in her seat. “Can you take me back to the hospital? I need to touch base with Ingram.”
“Of course.” Zack twisted the key in the ignition and put the windshield wipers on full speed.
The police had a handle on the investigation now, and that was the way it should be. They had the resources to put an end to this mayhem—hopefully sooner rather than later.
When they got to the hospital, Zack parked Naya’s car and headed into the lobby, where he could call one of his buddies to come pick him up and take him back to the firehouse.
“Thanks for driving.” Naya gave a short wave and headed down the hall.
Zack wanted to run after Naya and put everything behind them. He wanted to move forward, but he couldn’t. Knowing someone was willing to kill over the secrets surrounding the water contamination in town added a level of danger Zack didn’t want to gamble with anymore.
Maybe after all the events of today, Naya would realize it was better to leave things alone. Surely Ingram would advise Naya to stop chasing the story. With her boyfriend dead, she wouldn’t want her best friend to endure the same fate.
If Naya was safe, that was all that mattered. Now he could make good on his intentions to find his parents’ killer without worrying about Naya getting hurt. Zack would put the past behind him once and for all.
Something furry tickled Naya’s cheek, and she opened her eyes to Ingram’s cat, Coco, nuzzled up next to her on the sofa. Naya yawned and pushed herself to a seated position.
Her back protested the position change, and she turned to the side to stretch. “Looks like someone else didn’t want to be alone either.” She stroked the cat’s back, and he purred.
Naya picked up her phone to check the time. It wasn’t even seven yet. She still had two hours before she needed to be in the office.
After she’d gone back to Ingram’s hospital room, she’d broken the news about Will. Ingram had been in shock, and the tears hadn’t stopped. After being discharged, Ingram had asked Naya if she would stay overnight at her house. Naya wanted to support her friend however she could, and if that meant having a sleepover like when they were kids, she’d take it.
Naya picked up her duffel bag and moseyed down the hall to the bathroom. Ingram’s door was still shut, and no light peeked from the bottom crack.
Naya washed her face and brushed her teeth before starting her makeup routine, mindful not to make too much noise andwake up her friend. The past twenty-four hours had taken a toll on both of them. Naya figured she’d need a whole bottle of concealer to cover the bags under her eyes.
The conversation with Zack yesterday still played in her mind like a broken record. It was a wonder she’d gotten any sleep last night. On one hand, relief filled Naya knowing she finally had the full truth. There was no more guessing. The sincerity in Zack’s tone as he’d shared the details had told her all she needed to know.