Page 81 of Rescued Duty

The door creaked behind her, and she turned to find Zack. He stood silently for a minute, like the weight of the whole situation was too much for words. “You’re going to want to see this.” He pointed inside.

Naya followed him back into the foyer, and he stopped in the hallway. Several picture frames hung on the wall. One of Will and Ingram smiling near a waterfall was in the middle. Naya rubbed the back of her neck. How had this happened? She’d have to break the news to Ingram soon, who’d be calling shortly if she didn’t hear anything.

A few other pictures surrounded the happy couple, all of different travel places and landscapes. Including a map of Pine Crest pinnacle.

A hiker’s memorabilia? Or evidence of something more sinister?

Naya wanted to believe the best.

“Notice anything interesting about any of these pictures?” Zack pulled out his phone and took a picture.

“He has a map of Pine Crest.” Naya studied the other images, then gasped. “And his hat. It has the same crisscross emblem that the guy on the security footage wore.” No, it couldn’t be true. She didn’t want it to be. Will couldn’t be the one who’d attacked her on the mountain or left the note for Zack.

What did he have to gain from it all? She couldn’t press charges against Ingram’s boyfriend. Nowdeceasedboyfriend. It would destroy her friend.

“I don’t understand.” Naya shook her head.

Sirens pierced the air.

Zack and Naya raced outside and waved down the officers.

Wilcox stepped out of one car, while Ramble and Tazwell got out of another.

Detective Wilcox walked toward them. “I’m sorry we have to be meeting like this.” She frowned. “Where’s the body?”

Naya winced at the language. Of course, the detective was doing her job, but the question felt impersonal.

Zack led the way to the kitchen, while Naya hung back in the hall.

“You didn’t touch anything here, correct?” The detective pulled out a camera and bent down.

“Nothing,” Zack affirmed. “I just checked for a pulse.”

“What brought you out to his house?” Ramble stood near the counter and flipped open a pad of paper.

“My friend, Ingram, well, this was her boyfriend.” Naya cleared her throat and explained they’d been worried he might be in danger.

Zack filled in his details, then beckoned the officer to the hallway. “I noticed this image. He’s wearing the same hat Naya described after someone shoved her. And security footage showed a man wearing this cap dropping off a threatening note in the mailbox at the firehouse the other day.”

“You still have access to the security footage?” Ramble asked.

“Yes, I can send you a copy of it,” Zack said.

Ramble handed him a business card. “We’ll look into it. And I’ll check the incident report from Pine Crest.”

Naya’s mind went numb, and she stopped following the conversation.

The thought of writing this story and publishing the details left a sour taste in her mouth.

When the report came out, Naya needed to be there for Ingram.

“If there’s nothing else you need from us, we’ll get out of your hair.” Zack put a hand on Naya’s back.

“I’ll be in touch if we need anything.” Ramble turned to talk with his partner.

Zack escorted Naya outside, and the rush of the rain and wind brought her to her senses. They headed down the street to her car, and Zack popped open the umbrella.

“I need to call Ingram.” Naya sniffled.