“Apparently not.” Ingram shrugged. “When I found them, they were in a sealed envelope.”
“Did you find that odd?” Zack chimed in.
“I wouldn’t have if Will hadn’t been so adamant about not snooping around. He said the information was confidential for a project, and since it wasn’t in my department, I could get in trouble if I leaked any of it.” Ingram sighed. “Guess that shows he doesn’t trust me if he thinks I’d stick my nose into something that isn’t my business, then go and make it public.”
“I’m sorry, Grams. He doesn’t deserve you if he can’t have faith in you.” Naya raised her brows even as a sad smile turned up the corners of her mouth.
“I suppose.” She sighed. “Once I got the folder, I went to pick up my purse from his desk, then the office door slammed shut.” Ingram’s shoulders shook. “No one was there, but when I tried to open the door, it was locked.”
That didn’t make sense to Zack. Most doors locked from the inside to keep people out, not the other way around. Especially in a corporate office setting. “Someone must have barricaded it.”
“I tried calling for help, but my phone didn’t have any service, and Will’s office phone was disconnected. The last thing I remember is feeling lightheaded. Then I was in the ambulance.”
Zack planted both feet on the ground and leaned forward in the chair. “You need to tell all this to the police, Ingram. Let them know what happened.”
Naya nodded. “He’s right.”
Someone had deliberately targeted Ingram. “Where’s Will’s office in relation to the conference rooms?”
“Right around the corner. He has the prime spot for when he needs to meet with different teams.”
So the chemical leak would have easily penetrated into his space. “Sounds like someone either set you up, or they thought you were Will.” Zack frowned. “Either way, they locked you in there so you wouldn’t be able to escape the leak.”
Ingram pinched her lips, then exhaled. “What if he’s mixed up in something between the two groups? He’s been so on edge lately. I thought it was me, but what if it has something to do with the Green Warriors?”
“We need to check on Will.” Naya stood up. “If someone wants to hurt him, he needs to know he might be in danger.”
“I have a few questions for him myself.” Zack crossed his arms.
“Do you want me to give him a call?” Ingram asked.
“No,” Zack and Naya said in unison.
“I want the element of surprise.” Zack stood and pushed in his chair.
“We’ll let you know what we find out.” Naya gave Ingram a quick hug.
Zack wanted to tell Naya to stay with Ingram and let him confront the guy, but it would be a pointless argument. At least she wasn’t going off on her own again.
They headed for the elevator to take them outside. “His house is ten minutes from here.” Naya rattled off the address.
“Just follow my lead when we get there, okay?”
“This is my friend we’re talking about. Whose boyfriend has crossed the line.”
Zack held up a hand. “I’m not saying you’re wrong. And I don’t doubt your capabilities. But I like you too much to let you get hurt.”
“Oh.” Naya stepped out of the elevator and into the parking garage.
Well, that comment had rendered her mute.
They walked in silence to her car, where Naya climbed into the driver’s seat. “I guess we have a lot to talk about.”
Zack slid on his seatbelt, and they pulled out of the garage. “I’d like to finish the story I was going to tell you earlier after we chat with Will.”
“I’d like to hear it.”
A few short minutes later, they turned into a suburban development lined with townhomes, and Naya parked two doors down from Will’s.