She leaned close to Ingram. “I’ll ride over in my car and meet you there. I’ll see you soon, Grams.”
Naya dragged her feet along the sidewalk to where Bryce stood talking to an officer. Maybe he had intel on Zack.
“That’s the last one. Everyone’s out.” Bryce spotted her and pointed over her shoulder.
Naya whipped her head around. The front doors slid open, and three firefighters walked outside, supporting each other.
Naya raced over to the three guys and barreled into Zack.
She didn’t care who witnessed the interaction. Right now, Naya was simply relieved to see him up and walking.Alive.He stumbled back, breaking away from the two other guys, but caught her in his arms. “Oof. Watch the shoulder.”
“Sorry.” She leaned back. “Please tell me you’re okay.” Naya choked back tears.
He rubbed his temple, one arm still around her. “I’ll be fine, best friend.” Zack attempted to wink, except his eyes rolled.
“Take it easy, man.” Ridge laughed.
“Not when I missed her like crazy.” Zack leaned forward, his head tilted.
Naya lifted a finger to his lips. “I think we better hold off on that. Until you’re feeling better.”
“It’s important,” Zack mumbled. His eyes flitted for a brief second, then landed on Naya. “The most important. Yourr’s are the most important. Don’t forget. Rats only go empty’n rivers.”
“All right, Stephens, time to get you looked at.” Bryce stepped up to the group. “All of you need to get checked out at the hospital.” He crossed his arms. “Mandatory, so don’t argue. I don’t want anyone from my crew having delayed effects from the exposure.”
“Don’t forget, son.”
“Come on.” Bryce wrapped an arm around Zack’s shoulder and escorted him away. “Don’t fall down in front of your girl.”
Naya stood there processing what Zack had said.
His boss might think he was going crazy from the chemicals, but Naya couldn’t shake the way Zack had stared at her as he’d spoken.
Almost like he’d been trying to communicate something to her. Like that phrase his dad had used to help his son all those years ago actually held a deeper meaning.
But what was he trying to say?
Zack opened his eyes and moaned, which prompted a cough. The forced movement thrummed the dull ache that still lingered in his head.Ouch.He turned to his side in the bed and grimaced. His shoulder was definitely bruised.
Where was he?
He blinked a few times to clear the fogginess away. The bright lights overhead and the beep of a machine nearby brought back the memories.
He’d been called out to the entrapment at Ethos and he’d blacked out.
Although, he remembered seeing Naya at some point. Or had that been a dream? Whatever it had been, she’d thrown herself at him, and having her snug in his embrace was where he wanted to stay.
Where was she?
He pushed himself up to a seated position. He needed to touch base with Naya. Make sure she was okay. If she’d heard anything about the situation, she’d be investigating it.
What if…
“You’re awake.”
Zack jerked his head to the side, having been unaware that anyone else was in the room.