“Has the legal process begun yet?” Yesterday had been the cutoff. At least, that’s what she remembered, given the warning Mr. Callahan had shared when she’d run into him during the fire at his house.
“Everyone got quite the email about it yesterday.” He coughed. “Green Warriors is going to be bankrupt by the time Callahan’s done with them.”
“You should let the EMTs look at you.” Naya typed a few notes into her phone. “What did he say?”
“That’s beside the point. All I know is it doesn’t matter who is responsible for this catastrophe today, it will stir the pot between Ethos and the Green Warriors.”
Naya needed to find her friend. She walked away, down the sidewalk. What if her conversation with Sylvia had added fuel to the fire and propelled the environmental group to attack Ethos?
Ingram had gotten caught in the crosshairs. Now Zack was in there too. All the first responders were in danger.
She swiped at the tears that trickled down her cheek. Was this her fault?
The cost of writing this story continued to grow with every move she made. But if she called it quits now, the only person who would win was the perpetrator. Giving up wasn’t an option.
Naya scanned the crowd once more, searching for a familiar face. Instead, she was like a buoy in a sea of chaos.
Tucker had spoken with Will that evening Naya had been with Ingram. He wasn’t out here working on the story.
There was no time to waste second-guessing what Tucker would think of her call. She dialed his number and listened.Please, pick up.
“This is Long.”
“It’s Naya. Do you have Will’s contact information? He works for Ethos.”
“I doooo.” He dragged out the word. “Why?”
“There’s an emergency at Ethos, and I think my friend might be trapped in there. Will might know where she is.”
Thankfully, Tucker didn’t protest and gave her Will’s number. She hoped Ingram had carpooled with Will somewhere and left her car here. That she was nowhere near this terrifying situation right now. But if she was fine, why wasn’t she answering?
Naya’s fingers shook. She typed in each number and hit the green call button, her foot tapping.
This is Will. I can’t come to the phone right now. Leave a message.
The beep resounded in her ear, and Naya left a brief message.
Sirens broke through the commotion around her. One ambulance pulled out of the lot, and another came in.
“We’ve got another one.”
Naya turned to the entrance and spotted medics carrying a woman toward the back of an ambulance. She caught sight of dark hair and almond skin.
“Ingram!” Naya raced to her friend’s side just as they laid her on the gurney.
“Nay?” Ingram’s eyes flitted around, unable to focus.
“I’m here.” She patted her friend’s hand while the EMT took her vitals. “It’s going to be okay.”
“I…” She scrunched her face. “I was in my office, then…” She paused like she was trying to place what happened.
“Hey, it’s fine.” Naya smiled. “You don’t have to think so hard right now.”
The medic put an oxygen mask over Ingram’s mouth. “We need to get her to the hospital.” The paramedic turned to Naya. “Are you coming with us?”
Naya wanted to be there for Ingram, but what about Zack? She glanced over her shoulder at the entrance. “Do you know if they’ve found Zack Stephens? He’s with Rescue 5.”
“They’re working to get the crew out now.” The medic attempted a smile, but it did nothing to console Naya.