Page 70 of Rescued Duty

Zack moved to the back of the oven and twisted the pipe’s valve. He straightened, then grabbed her hand. “We need to get out until the crew can vent the place.” Zack pushed open the back door. “One spark and your house could be seconds away from exploding.”


Adoor shut and footsteps shuffled into the firehouse kitchen. Zack set down the bowl of eggs he was mixing and turned to find Naya in the doorway. She wore jeans and a sweatshirt, and she still looked gorgeous. Her black curly hair fell across her shoulders. She might have tried to conceal the bags under her eyes, but he didn’t miss them.

After the events of last night, he’d barely slept. He couldn’t imagine it had been any better for her.

“Thanks for letting me hang around here today.” She pulled out a chair and sat down.

The realization that someone had broken into her house and sabotaged her oven in an effort to create an explosion that could have killed her made Zack livid. Not only that but it’d brought recurrent nightmares to the forefront of his sleep last night.

Except this time, it hadn’t been his parents who’d succumbed to the flames—it’d been Naya, and he’d been helpless to stop it.

That was just a dream.

Thiswas real life.

Zack could do something to protect Naya. He’d comb that mountain again for evidence. See if he could find any moremakeshift sandbags. Help her with research. Install a security camera at her house. Whatever it took, he’d have her back.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Okay. I suppose it just hit me.” She bit her lip and blinked.

“You have every right for it to.” Once the police had left Naya’s house last night, she’d tried to call Ingram, but her friend hadn’t picked up. He hadn’t been about to leave her alone, but instead of him staking out on her couch, she’d taken a spare bed in the women’s bunk room at the firehouse. He’d hoped it would help her sleep better, knowing she was safe with the crew. But he thought he’d heard her walking around in the wee hours.

“Ingram’s going to pop over here for lunch later, if that’s okay.”

“I don’t see a problem with it. If there’s a callout, it might be a while until we get back. But the building is always locked and under surveillance.”

“Thanks. I’m going to watch the Sunday worship service online and try to relax.”

“I was making breakfast. Want any eggs?” Zack wished there were a way to erase Naya’s unease.

She was strong, but the events they’d endured would shake anyone. Still, he’d do whatever he could to ease her burden. Especially if that meant being a safe place for her to go.

“When a guy’s willing to cook”—the edges of a smile broke on her face—“I’ll never turn down the food.”

Zack turned on the burner. “I’ve learned a few tricks thanks to Trace and Charlie.” He grabbed the container of oats from the pantry and sprinkled a few into the egg mixture. A secret ingredient that added texture and flavor. “Trace is one of our EMTs. Charlie left last summer to be a hotshot—that’s a wildland firefighter—up in Montana.”

Once the eggs were cooked, he plated the food and sat down across from Naya. He slid the salt and pepper her way.

“Oats in eggs?” She raised her eyebrow. “Intriguing.” She added a dash of salt and took a bite. “I’m pleasantly surprised.”

“Good?” He took a bite from his plate.

“Better than good.”

Zack could get used to slow mornings with Naya. She’d been the closest person to family he’d had growing up, and the idea of starting their own family together left him wishing for a future that hadn’t been written yet.

There was just one thing that could stand in the way of her ever saying yes to him. He still hadn’t told her the full story about his disappearance from her life when they were teens in foster care. And once she learned the truth, she’d have every right to tell him to have a nice life.

He set his fork down and rubbed his wrist. The red bracelet spun around. A constant reminder of what his actions had cost him.

But after that kiss, there was hope they could move forward, given she’d reciprocated the gesture. Although, right now wasn’t the time to dredge up the past. Not when they both had bigger things to worry about.

Naya set her dirty plate in the dishwasher and pulled out her laptop from her backpack. “Have you touched base with Powells since we met with him the other day?”

Zack moved his chair next to Naya’s and straddled it. “Not yet. I’ll follow up with him today.”