His head pounded.
They weren’t moving anymore.
He clicked off his seatbelt and swiveled. “Everyone okay back there?”
All three boys stared back at him with wide eyes and open mouths.
Karson finally broke the silence. “Bro, that was wild. You just saved the day.”
Now it was Zack’s turn to remain speechless. “What?”
Andrew said, “I wish I got that on camera. I could use it the next time I’m playing those racing video games.”
“Any of you hurt?” Zack scanned them but couldn’t see any injuries.
The boys glanced at each other and shook their heads.
“All good.” Andrew gave a thumbs-up.
Whether the shock was keeping them from processing the extent of what had gone down or not, Zack was thankful they didn’t appear injured.
No more gunshots had come their way, but Zack wasn’t about to open the door and become an easy target. “Stay put guys. No one gets out until we get the all clear.” He peered out the window.
People congregated in the street, pointing. Two kids huddled in the grass, their mom rubbing their backs.
Basuto, Ramble, Trace, and Kianna jogged over to the truck.
Basuto rapped on the door, and Zack stepped out, scanning the area for anything that appeared off. “That’s one way to end a parade,” Ramble said.
Zack hopped onto the ground. “Is anyone hurt?”
“Negative.” Trace moved to the side, and lifted a brow. “Are you? You look like you’re gonna hurl.”
Zack figured that wasn’t far from the truth. He lifted his hand to his cheek and a splotch of blood covered the pad of his finger. “I’m fine. Make sure they’re okay first.” He pointed to the teens still huddled in the truck.
Ramble helped the teens out, and Trace walked over to the first kid while Kianna unzipped the medic bag.
Zack turned to Lieutenant Basuto. “Did you catch the person?” He wanted to hold his breath, but then he’d pass out.
“There’re footprints. But whoever it was had an escape route planned.” Basuto steeled his jaw.
Bile rose in Zack’s throat. “I can’t believe someone opened fire. And with so many civilians around.” He’d brought trouble into innocent people’s lives by investigating his parents’ case. Zack’s nerves still buzzed at the realization.
Bryce made his way over to him and Basuto.
“I could have hit someone.” Zack met Bryce’s gaze. What would his boss think? Zack swallowed.
“You reacted to the situation. Nothing wrong with that.” Bryce clapped Zack on the shoulder.
“They’re all clear,” Trace called out and gave a thumbs-up.
Bryce nodded. “It could have been much worse. But everyone is safe. You had no control over the situation.”
The teens’ foster parents, the Kirbys, now stood with the boys. Creases etched Alexia’s tanned brow, and her husband,Sam, ran his fingers along his beard. “We’re going to take them home now.” Sam escorted the boys back up the hill.
“Take the rest of the day off, man. We got it from here,” Bryce said.
His boss was right. What mattered was that everyone was safe.