Naya nodded, her eyes dark. She blinked and lifted her lips in a polite smile for the man. “How long have you been with this group?”
Zack tuned out their conversation and crouched, feeling around the boulder. No time to go back to the truck for tools, but rolling it would hurt the man for a moment. “Hold your breath on three. Ready?”
Jay nodded.
Zack got the rock over, using the current of the water to send it downstream. Jay let out a groan. “Thank you.”
“Stephens!” Bryce stood by the embankment. “You got it under control over there?”
The comment shouldn’t bother Zack, but the underlying accusation swelled over him faster than the current he stood in.
Bryce would never say it to his face, but the lieutenant didn’t think Zack could hold his own and not cause more problems along the way. Just last week he’d been vacuuming, and the motor had overheated and almost started a fire thanks to the dust bag not having been emptied. He’d wanted to help, and it had backfired.
Zack was determined to prove Bryce wrong and show the whole rescue crew they needed him on their team. They were supposed to be his family, but he still floundered like a fish out of water.
“Never better, Lieutenant.” Zack plastered on a smile and swung Jay’s right arm over his shoulder. He gripped the man’s torso. “Can you stand up fully for me?”
Naya had positioned herself on Jay’s other side. Jay let out a groan and stood to full height. A frown filled Naya’s face.
She nodded.
“Okay, on the count of three, we’re going to move to that path over there.” Zack pointed to the smooth dirt area about five yards away that led up to the grass where Bryce waited.
“One, two, three.”
“Keep your weight on us,” Naya added.
Zack began to trudge toward the water’s edge. Naya was really helping him? He was surprised she hadn’t turned her back and gone to find someone else to assist, given he’d been the one to leave her all those years ago. Disappearing from her life with no explanation. He wouldn’t blame her for reciprocating the gesture, except she didn’t know the truth of what had actually happened.
The shuffle of their feet kicked up dirt and clouded the water. There was no way to tell the extent of the injury to the man’s foot, but the sooner they got him to Trace and Kianna, the better.
“We’re almost there.” Zack pushed forward, taking on most of the man’s weight.
Bryce maneuvered his way down the path to the edge of the water. “I’ve got him now.” The lieutenant took hold of the man’s arm.
“I can take him to the ambo.” Zack stepped up onto the grass, still holding Jay’s other arm.
“I’ve got it.” Bryce’s eyes narrowed. “Go do what you were ordered.”
Zack’s jaw tightened. He’d done what was asked of him and done it well. Why couldn’t Bryce recognize that? “Yes, sir.” Zack let go of the man’s arm, and Bryce took the lead.
“Thanks for your help.” He turned to Naya. “Hey.”
She had walked right back into the water, her arms outstretched to maintain her balance. Blood caked her forearm, but it didn’t appear to be bleeding anymore.
“Naya.” He jogged to her. “You’re hurt.”
“I’ll be fine. I need to find my notepad.”
“Paper or a tablet?” Zack stayed close to her side. “Because paper is going to be wet and illegible by now.”
“Just give me one second to—” Naya started to fall to the side, and her arms flailed.
Zack grabbed her arm and shoulder to steady her while his own heart pounded. “Easy. These rocks are slippery, and you should really get that arm looked at.” He pointed to the bloody area.
Her gaze trailed down to his wrist and the red corded bracelet he wore.