God, I want the posture of my heart to please You. Show me how to move forward.
“Tensions are high at the office, and people are growing more combative with each other. Is it really worth stirring up more conflict for the sake of the story?”
“Two people are dead because the company you work for might be hiding a secret. And you don’t want conflict between employees?” Naya’s cheeks burned. “That’s all the more reason to fight for this story.”
“You heard my conversation with Will the other day, Naya. People don’t like being told what to do. I’ve been trying to get my concerns on the agenda for a board meeting. But management has a reputation to uphold, and they aren’t afraid to make their position in the company known.”
Naya leaned back in her chair and took a swig of water.
Too many people were involved in this situation for her to make a selfish move.
Though that didn’t give her answers on how she should move forward.
She might solve this case and write the story. But at what cost?
She could lose a friendship with Ingram. If she pressed further, what would that mean for the two of them? Zack had already told her to back down too. Was she willing to give up the chance of exploring a possible future with him?
If neither of her relationships were severed, it could very well cost them their lives. She needed to make a decision, but her future hung in the balance.
Zack pulled the firehouse gym weight up to his chest, then released the bar and let it bounce on the floor. He picked it up again for another set of reps and blew out a breath. More like steam at this point.
Every muscle in his upper body burned, yet somehow the feeling was therapeutic. There were several tasks still on his to-do list today, including a stop at the Kirbys’ house to finalize plans for the New Blooms Spring Festival tomorrow with the boys. Something that had been put on the back burner thanks to all the other events that had him fighting to stay alive. But he needed his head on straight before he completed anything.
Which was why he was listening to worship music through his earbuds. Not exactly the first go-to when working out. But the drumbeat kept the songs moving, and the lyrics motivated him to think on what truly mattered in life.
He’d read through his parents’ case again last night and planned to research more about the firefighting foam and extinguishers on the market. Still, the answers he needed seemed hidden behind a fog and left Zack squinting in the haziness to figure out the path forward. It irked him that Powellshad information on a culprit but wasn’t willing to disclose the name. All of it could end now if the guy spoke up.
Zack put the weights back, then moved to the pull-up bar. He hefted himself up and did a set. The door closed behind him, and Eddie made his way in.
“You’re about ready to fly off the wall, man. Practicing to be cast as the next superhero?” Eddie straddled a bench and grinned.
Zack grabbed his water bottle and took a sip, then joined Eddie on the adjacent bench. “You know, I was just thinking that workout might be a good video to add to my application.” He laughed.
Although, that was Eddie’s area of expertise. His friend had been working toward getting a grant to start up a youth center for underprivileged kids in the community. A place for them to go to stay out of trouble, especially in the wintertime. If the paperwork was approved, Eddie would become those kids’ hero like in the movies.
Except, on the big screen, the superheroes didn’t really save anyone. There were safety measures already in place, like foam mats and escape routes to make sure no one actually got hurt. And that wasn’t the case in real life.
“The hero is supposed to save people from harm, not get them mixed up in more trouble.” Zack propped his elbows on his knees.
“Good thing you don’t have to be the hero of your own story then.” Eddie winked.
Right. He couldn’t save himself, or anyone else for that matter. He had the head knowledge of that truth, but the follow-through of living it out proved harder. “I’ve already been the reason for enough trouble in life. I don’t want to let people down.”
“How so?” Eddie cocked his head, his eyes focused on Zack.
Zack swallowed. “I’ve been investigating my parents’ cold case.” He sighed. “Naya tagged along to help. After the incident at Powells’s house, I told her I’d handle it alone.”
“She didn’t take it too well?” Eddie propped his hands on the bench. “You couldn’t have known someone would find out about the investigation and start targeting you. Plus, you can’t control someone else’s response.”
Zack frowned. “I know she can hold her own, but I don’t want her getting hurt. Not on my account.” Heat rose on the edges of Zack’s ears.
“We all want to help each other. Maybe this is her way of showing it.”
Zack ran his hand along his jaw. “Naya’s back in my life for the first time in years. I finally have a chance to make it right with her. To pursue something more than a friendship. I could even close my parents’ case. But risking our lives? I don’t know, man.”
Please don’t let her stubbornness get in the way of wisdom, Lord. And help me know what I should do.