Page 52 of Rescued Duty

Naya sucked in a breath. “I thought we both wanted the same thing here.”

“Not if it means I put your life on the line.” He still wanted justice for his parents, but not if she got even more hurt.

Naya closed the gap between them and tapped a finger on his chest. “You want to do what’s right.”

Zack couldn’t believe Powells was saving himself at the expense of the truth. The guy had been doing it for a while, too. Blaming Zack for his parents’ deaths.

“And look where that got my dad.” Zack’s nostrils flared. “You heard Powells. My dad couldn’t rest until the truth was told, and it cost him his life.”

“Your dad did the right thing.” Naya pouted. “And you’re not a coward, unlike Powells. He kept the secrets and hid, but what has that done for him?”

Zack groaned. She was right. This was why Naya pushed so hard for answers. For truth. He now understood the need for a story to be told no matter the cost. But how could they reconcile the two things? “I don’t know how to find the truth and keep you safe.”

“I can hold my own.” Naya lifted her chin.

“I have no doubt you have the strength for the task.” Zack shook his head. “But even my dad’s determination didn’t stop the production of the equipment he tried to keep off the market.” His dad hadn’t known when to stop, and now Naya was headed down the same path. “Sometimes the consequences are far too great.”

“So you just want to sit on the sidelines and believe the lie that you were to blame for your parents’ deaths when Powells kept silent to save his own skin?” Naya’s eyes widened. “That man was your father’s friend. And for what? To watch your dad do what was right and get killed for it? Justice for your parents won’t happen if the truth remains hidden.” She jabbed her finger in the air. “I know the risks of my job.”

There. That was the problem. She’d just admitted to it. “This isn’t part of your job.” Bryce had given Zack a task to complete, and he couldn’t do his work if he was worried Naya would be caught in the crossfire. The last thing he needed was Naya injured—or worse, dead—because of him. “You’re right. I’ve lived long enough believing I was the reason for my parents’ deaths. But I’m not about to add any more to my conscience.” He ground his teeth.

Saving people who couldn’t save themselves was Zack’s job.

He kept trouble from wreaking havoc on someone else’s life.

Naya might not be able to see it now, but he was protecting her in the long run. He just hoped she listened to reason and focused on the story she needed to write, without letting him muddy the waters.

“I’ll decide what leads I need to follow as part of my job.” Naya waved her hand in the air. “I should have known we’d get to this point.” Her gaze traveled down to his wrist.

Zack shoved his hand in his pocket. He should give her the bracelet back. It was a way he’d promised to protect her and look after her. And that’s exactly what he was doing now. Except she didn’t view his efforts in the same light.

“I’m doing this for your own good.” Why couldn’t she see that he could be trusted?

Sirens pierced the air.

Zack sighed. “We’ll finish this conversation later. We need to go check on Powells. And talk to the police.”

“Fine.” Naya crossed her arms.

They walked back to the house and around to the front yard. Powells sat on the front step, his hands clasped.

Officer Ramble stood on the sidewalk.

Amelia and the engine crew had a supply line hooked up to the fire hydrant, and they scoured the area.

“Did you fill the police in yet?” Zack turned back to the former chief.

Powells’s eyes widened. “And get entangled in this mess even more? No way.” He shot up and crossed the yard.

“Part of his house is ruined, and he’s just going to let whoever did this get away with it?” Naya shook her head.

“We’ll worry about him later.” Ramble pulled a pen from his shirt pocket.

“The fire’s out. I don’t need you here.” Powells swung his hand in the air. Izan stood his ground next to the hydrant. “The next thing you know, the news crew will be here. I don’t need more attention drawn to the scene.”

“I suggest you back up and let us do our job, sir.” Amelia stared Powells down.

Zack and Naya gave their statements to Ramble. “Do you need anything else from us?” Zack glanced at his watch.