“There wasn’t much. Not much for good reason.” Powells swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “I’d have put my life in jeopardy by sharing anything.”
“So you kept quiet and made sure I believed it was all my fault.” Zack gripped the edge of the table.
The man licked his lips. His eyes blinked fast.
Naya said, “You’re still scared?” It had been years since that incident.
Zack just stared at the former fire chief.
“So I’m supposed to tell you what I know, then read about a fire in the paper that took your life?” Powells stared at them. “Same as your parents?”
“That fire was arson. Something my dad used to stay has stuck with me all these years. ‘R, son. It’s so important I had to tell other people.’ I thought it was a way to help me learn to enunciate myr’s. But now I’d beg to differ. Did he tell you what’s so important about the R?” Zack’s gaze never wavered from Powells.
The man blinked and averted his eyes to the ground. If it wasn’t for the dimly lit area, Naya guessed she’d see sweat breaking out on the guy’s brow.
“You have no idea what you’re asking for.” Powells swallowed.
“To have a chance to find the truth and not live with misplaced guilt. That’s what I’m asking for.” Zack steeled his jaw.
Naya wasn’t going to let Zack fight this alone. “The truth is beautiful because it sheds light on darkness and exposes it.”
Powells’s attention bored into her. “The truth gets good people killed.”
“I’m not afraid of it.” Naya lifted her chin.
“You should be.”
Zack laid a hand over hers. “You know what happened to them.” He let out a breath. “Tell me what it was that got them killed.”
Naya nodded. “Then we can figure out who is behind it, and they can finally get justice.”
“You don’t give up, do you, girlie?”
No, I don’t.Naya just wasn’t sure if this was about the truth or the fact that it would help Zack.
Powells leaned back in his chair and sighed. “Douglas—your dad—he was a great guy. No matter what it was, his conscience wouldn’t let him rest until he did the right thing.” He glanced at Naya. “Like someone else you know.”
“Doesn’t sound like a bad thing.” She shrugged.
He shook his head. “It is when you get killed over it. He paid the price.”
“What do you mean?” Zack narrowed his eyes and leaned into the table. “What did he know?”
Naya held her breath. The truth of what had happened to Zack’s parents could cost him more than he’d bargained for. What if this was a mistake? What if her quest for truth came with consequences neither of them could reverse?
“Your dad was supposed to sign off on a product to go to distribution that had high toxicity levels and would have a negative, long-lasting impact on the community.”
Naya pulled out a pen and scribbled down some notes.
“Your dad came to me and asked for my help. He was convinced it was poison. In the testing stages it was effective.But the cost was the death of all the mice in the lab. Your dad couldn’t just let the higher-ups make such a detrimental call.” Powells grimaced. “When execs found out that your dad talked to me, they threatened me. Told me I would regret it if I said anything.” Powells rubbed his jaw. “I couldn’t afford to lose my job so I told Douglas to let it go. He didn’t have the power to change anything.”
“But he didn’t give it up,” Zack whispered.
Powells shook his head. “Your dad told me if the product went to the market, my firehouse would be first in line to use it. And suddenly my own ethics were put in the hot seat.”
“What was the product?” Naya looked up from her paper.
“Firefighting foam. Basically a commercial grade fire extinguisher.”