She took a sip of water before putting back on her helmet. “No way. We got it under control. You should go home and take it easy.”
Zack stared at the blackened metal that lay in a mangled heap. Smoke continued to rise from the ground, but no flames surfaced.
“Go, Stephens.” She shooed him away.
Zack turned to see Naya sliding into the backseat of Wilcox’s car. He ran back over and slid in after her.
Wilcox pulled out. “You said your car is at the café in town?”
“That’s right.” Naya’s voice sounded small.
They were both dusty, and the backseat of this car would smell like smoke for a while after they got out.
While the detective drove through town, Zack’s mind raced with different ways this day could have ended and all the possibilities of what this attack could mean. He needed to writeit out in order to work through the threads. Yet his body screamed at him to rest.
Now that the adrenaline had started to wear off, his muscles hurt with the slightest movement. Like getting out of Wilcox’s car and into Naya’s.
His cheek burned, and Zack rubbed the bandaged area.
“Do you need a new Band-Aid? I have a first aid kit.” Naya smiled despite the hint of dirt still on her cheek. She leaned over to the glove compartment and pulled out a white box.
“Nah. It’s just tender. But at this point, you’re a pro at being my nurse.” For a split second, Zack wasn’t sitting in Naya’s car but on the bathroom floor so many years ago.
“Sit still so I can clean your face.” Naya playfully hit his shoulder. “Hold this to your eye too.” She handed him a cold paper towel to help with the bruising that was sure to draw attention at school tomorrow.
He couldn’t even remember what that fight had been about now.
All he remembered was Naya.
Zack squinted at the bright light that streamed in through her car window.
“You did good today. With Hudson.” Naya closed the glove box and shifted back in her seat.
“Thanks.” Zack rested his arm on the center console next to hers.
He swallowed, trying not to think of how close they were in this enclosed space. It was one thing to have let Naya take care of him when they were kids. Back then girls had cooties, and she’d only been a friend. Now she was a grown woman who carried herself with poise and grace. The whole package added another dynamic that left his heart wanting to explore more.
Zack trailed his finger down her hand, then took hers in his. His pulse throbbed in his thumb.
Could she feel it too? They were both still breathing. Still alive.
What if this was his chance to make things right between them? Show Naya that she could trust him. That he wouldn’t leave her side again—the promise he’d broken once when they were teens.
Naya squeezed his hand and leaned forward. “Thanks for getting us out of that car,” she whispered.
Zack brushed his hand against her cheek to remove the dirt still there, thendrew her to himself.He wanted to hold her and never let go. But would she let him in again?
Naya rested her head against his shoulder. The smell of smoke in her hair wafted into his nostrils but he didn’t care. He wanted to be her safe place.
“I’d do anything for you, Nay.” He kissed her cheek, ready to leave a trail of them along the side of her face.
Naya sucked in a breath and pulled away. “Zack, I can’t.” Her eyelids dropped. “Not now.” She tucked her hands in her lap.
It didn’t take long to imagine how the cold would seep into the space between them. Zack gritted his teeth. He’d failed her once, so why did he think she’d be willing to give it another go?
“I never meant to hurt you.” Zack fisted his hand and covered his mouth.
Lord, I care about Naya. A lot. Show me how I can pursue her and earn her trust.